
These skeptical analysts argue that many current messaging strategies against the Islamic State are backfiring — and that polarizing politicians such as Trump have amplified the jihadists’ impact and been their best recruiting tool. Islamophobia helps the jihadists by fueling their narrative about embattled Muslims, Kenning argues. It creates a sense of wounded community — a shared identity of having been wronged, which prompts violent revenge.

To attract young people from the neighborhood of about 100,000 people, the museum’s founders have sought to form alliances with schools and have taken steps to create a cultural exchange with the nearby Brussels Boxing Academy.

The soft power roadmap for what is needed is relatively clear. Seizing the moment requires the United States and international partners to give much higher priority to activities such as public diplomacy, sustainable development assistance, and exchange programmes.

The US government has awarded a Kenyan for fighting terrorism in Garisaa county. Asha Hassan, 24, received the award of Emerging Young Leaders award 2016 on Thursday at the US department of state in Washington DC.

"We are ready to expand and strengthen contacts with Muslim and non-governmental organizations in the region along the line of 'people's diplomacy', we are ready to help the peoples of the region to overcome armed conflicts by sharing the experience of Russian Muslims..."

There are a number of myths about terrorism and radical Islam, established in Russian society. This article is an attempt to articulate some of myths but not all of them. Among others, I have to emphasize the following: terrorism equals crime, terrorists are mentally ill, all terrorists are Muslims, and US is one of the main sponsors of terrorism. 

Many studies have shown that global-terrorist threats cannot be solved solely by an individual state. In this sense, the practices of dialogue and cooperation, both through government-to-government and people-to-people contacts, should be maintained by Indonesia and Egypt.

February 4, 2016

Smart power is needed to defeat terrorism. Smart power is the ability to combine hard military and police power and the soft power of attraction and persuasion.
