By far the greatest burden of receiving Syria’s refugees has fallen not on the United States or on Europe, but on Syria’s neighbors: Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Together, these countries are hosting most of the five million Syrians. [...] The Turkish city of Gaziantep sets an example in treating refugees humanely. [...] Refugees are allowed to work and have access to free health care and schools, and the government has repeatedly committed to creating a pathway to Turkish citizenship.
South Korea will host a cultural event in Ankara on Friday to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Turkey. Seoul’s Culture Ministry said that programs will include a hanbok fashion show, a taekwondo demonstration and traditional music and K-pop concerts. South Korea and Turkey’s national folk music groups will put on a joint performance.

Senem Cevik looks at the possibility of collaboration between the emerging powers Turkey and Mexico.
Turkey has become a pillar in providing international support and humanitarian assistance on the plight of the Rohingya, the Muslim minority in Myanmar, forced to flee their land, a policy in line with president Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ambitions of asserting his country's position as a global player, said local experts.
Syrians’ Hajj pilgrimage to the sacred Islamic cities of Madinah and Makkah in Saudi Arabia has begun via Turkey. [...] “Seemingly small, people-centric policies will create big impacts for Turkey’s long-term engagement in the region.”
Being a crucial partner in IRCICA activities in Central Asia, Uzbekistan represents a crucial example in terms of the peaceful coexistence of various ethnicities and nationalities under the rubric of a truly multinational and multi-faith society. Hosting some of the greatest cultural and civilizational centers in the Islamic world, such as Bukhara and Samarqand, Uzbekistan is home to more than 130 ethnicities and nationalities.
Turkey asked Qatar, which has been under a blockade by Arab countries since June, to join hands for sustainable food production, the Turkish economy minister said Thursday. Nihat Zeybekci, proposed that Turkey, instead of sending finished goods to Qatar, could send raw materials, which Qatar could process at its own plants.
Turkey uses Hagia Sophia as a tool of cultural diplomacy to exert both soft and hard power. The monument is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has been a museum since 1935. [...] At this stage, the Turkish government is expected to use Hagia Sophia as a negotiating tool in its diplomatic struggle over Kurdistan and other geopolitical issues.