united states

In the US there is growing disquiet over China’s attempts to exert ‘soft power’ by claiming a footprint on university campuses.  In the space of a week, two US universities, Pennsylvania State and University of Chicago, have decided to shut down their Confucius Institutes amid concerns over threats to academic freedom.

Tech@State: Mobile Diplomacy - Mobile Empowering U.S. Diplomacy Breakout Panel

October 28, 2014

Watch this panel discussion hosted by Tech@State earlier this month focusing on Mobile Diplomacy. Participants included speakers from the U.S. Department of State, Peace Corps, Ushahidi and USAID.

After being expelled from numerous Latin American countries for dubious activity, the United States organization USAID has developed a reputation of an organization that while providing aid is also developing ways to undermine governments in a number of the continent’s countries.

The State Department is trying hard to counter online propaganda from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The information battleground includes Twitter and video messages, terrain that ISIL knows well. In addition to having too little money and too few people, the department is forced to conform to federal rules requiring that its work be identified as coming from the U.S. government.

More than 90 international journalists from 80 countries will participate in the Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists, during which they will examine the rights and responsibilities of a free press in a democracy and observe operational practices, standards and institutions of the media. 

The United States is pressing Arab nations and other allies to do more to counter the Islamic State group's slick propaganda campaign, with a top American envoy on Monday describing efforts to combat the extremist messages as a vital pillar in the fight to defeat the group.

India has chosen to buy anti-tank guided missiles from Israel, rejecting a rival U.S. offer, as the right-wing government clears projects worth $13.1 billion to modernize its aging military, official sources said Sunday.

From China’s point of view, such a bank makes perfect sense.For the developing countries in Asia, it will be a new source of funding. For China, it will be a channel to strengthen soft power and enhance economic benefits. 
