united states
Author’s Note: This blog is the edited version of a speech I gave at the recent NATO conference on The Power of Soft Power.
When Joseph Nye first coined the term soft power over 20 years ago, the United States and Europe were in a different place than they are today.
The U.S. and Iran have been at odds for decades.... But in Japan, a nation that tries to maintain good relations with both countries, a major exhibition featuring the work of one of America’s most recognizable artists is showing how appreciation for good art can bring even the most intractable foes closer together.
In short, diplomacy is changing, or perhaps expanding. “The power shift is from control of government to smaller institutions and groups of individuals,” Scott said. “We have lost control of our information system — and we won’t get it back.”
Since 9/11, the U.S. Government has invested heavily in technology-based solutions to understanding, informing, and influencing people around the world and across a variety of mediums. Many of these efforts were sponsored by the Defense Department for reasons that include major appropriations by the Congress, a capability (and culture) of contracting, and so on.