united states
Rock music first developed in the United States in the 1950s and has evolved into an art form that celebrates the American value of free expression. Rock music also gives young people a voice with which to express themselves. The program is part of the U.S. Department of State’s ongoing cultural exchange programs.
Time and again, though, critics and analysts bring up the same question: What has this accomplished? And how do you even measure accomplishment online in the first place? A new report from the Lowy Institute, an Australian international policy think tank, delivers a remarkably detailed look behind the scenes of State's digital democracy efforts, and ends with precisely that query.
Just before heading out of town, the Senate confirmed dozens of Obama administration appointments, including a host of ambassadors and several top officials at Foggy Bottom. Among the newly confirmed appointees are Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy Tara Sonenshine...
In the new information environment world leaders are finding that they must communicate with multiple audiences. This panel considers the range of approaches governments are using to meet this public diplomacy imperative as well as the diverse objectives behind these efforts.
The United States is sending aid to people who, apparently, do not want it...Washington decided last week to waive restrictions and hand over its $1.3 billion annual assistance to Egypt...But a new Gallup survey shows Egyptians have grown weary of U.S. aid.
The United States faces many obstacles in foreign policy, but major one is growing anti-American sentiment. Studies show that global opinion toward the United States has plummeted since 2002. But we can address this problem through soft power diplomatic approaches like international education.
Also confirmed was Mike Hammer as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs (he’s been “Acting” all this time). A list of all confirmations for the State Department, Ambassadors and Assistant Secretaries, including for the Bureau of Conflict and Stability Operations, is below.
“The US approach to issues in the Middle East has been very defined and I will say that rather than looking at the words of mouth, which do not really matter, I will suggest that people should look more at actions being taken by the US,"