united states

The worlds of diplomacy and science and technology, of government-to-government relations and people to people exchanges, are more intertwined and interdependent than ever. By working together, we can expand our horizons by sharing resources, networks, people and program content.

Project of exchanging and broadcasting city image videos openes a new model of international inter-city exchange...Since Shanghai and Houston signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on April 1, 2005, the two cities have jointly carried out projects in various fields...

For those wanting to use soft power in foreign policy, social media offer intriguing ways to deliver messages to publics that may have been inaccessible in the past. International organizations such as NATO continue to assess ways that they can enhance their missions by relying at least in part on soft power...

The 2012 American Film Showcase...is an international cultural diplomacy initiative that will bring award-winning American films, including documentaries, feature films and animated shorts, to foreign audiences through events worldwide.

In this context, 2012 will probably be a very important year for the U.S. and Turkey, because they have both been selected by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division to implementing all of the organization’s capability for public policy.

We are all here because we know ensuring that everyone has the clean water they need to live and thrive has to be a high priority for all of us. When I spoke on World Water Day two years ago, I talked about how water is clearly integral to many of our foreign policy goals.

Clinton also announced the release today of an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) on Global Water Security. The ICA is based on a National Intelligence Estimate requested by Secretary Clinton a year earlier to assess the impact of global water issues on U.S. national security interests

On World Water Day (March 22), numerous initiatives and announcements will sure come up. For one, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will announce a new public-private partnership, called U.S. Water Partnership, on Thursday to seek solutions to the global water problem.
