united states
As Americans, we like to imagine our country as we think of ourselves: open-hearted and welcoming; efficient and practical; easygoing, above all...Whatever foreigners think of the American experiment, though, it’s unlikely the experience of crossing our border has made them think better of it.
Big anthropological surveys are feats of cultural diplomacy...And when regular diplomacy breaks down because of hostility or instability, museums feel the impact. We were reminded of this last spring, when Asia Society’s exhibition of Buddhist art from Pakistan was delayed for six months.
The debate over the role of the international community in Syria is disheartening, dominated by skepticism about the ability of outsiders to have a positive impact. This stems from the fact that two main options – continuing to refrain from direct intervention or waging a fully fledged military campaign...
Cultural diplomacy is an integral part of foreign relations, particularly as a foundation for the advancement of other foreign policy and diplomatic objectives... Cultural diplomacy is the means by which the American people can show to the world that while they can espouse certain values, they can also live by them.
The two men are practising a brand of public diplomacy uniquely appropriate to two young, athletic leaders, said Heather Conley, senior fellow of the Europe program at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a DC-based think tank.
The U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has recently announced an expansion of its TechWomen program, an international exchange and mentoring program that is designed to leverage technology as a way to empower women around the globe.
So what does digital diplomacy even mean? In short, it means a government putting out it’s foreign policy messages via social media channels, looking to engage in dialogue with the target countries. It’s not without some controversy and there are those who suggest it’s just a form of cultural export…
Through the International Security Assistance Forces AFPAK Hands program, detailed in my previous post, we have learned that much of the efforts towards Afghan media, on the part of ISAF and the international community, are directed towards the Afghan media who have the largest audience