united states
Don’t be fooled, citizens of China: Newly arrived U.S. ambassador Gary Locke’s humble do-it-yourself demeanor is all part of a crafty neo-colonialist plot. Such at least is the message of a state media editorial that is making waves on the Chinese Internet. The response so far among Chinese Internet users: Bring it on.
Another week, another public round of warm applause for America’s new ambassador to China, Gary Locke. A senior official behaving as humbly as a normal human being is a breath of fresh air in China, where officials are widely reviled for the lavish lifestyles many of them enjoy, often paid for by corruption. The attention Locke has garnered is freighted with political significance
The war in Libya and the activities of three Africa-based Islamist groups have raised questions about whether Africom may be shifting from its initial posture of projecting soft power to one of managing a hot theater. However...while Africom's public affairs posture may now be in flux, the command's core mission of growing African capabilities to meet African security challenges has not changed.
The U.S. State Department clearly views Al Jazeera as a tool of Qatar's foreign policy; one cable from November 2009 claims that the Persian Gulf state uses the channel "as a bargaining tool to repair relationships with other countries, particularly those soured by al-Jazeera's broadcasts, including the United States."
Syrians have accused Al Jazeera of seeking to foment unrest in the country, and at least one media outlet even accused the Qatar-based broadcaster of setting up film studios to stage some of the uprising. It comes as no surprise, then, that some might seize on the latest leaked cables as a way to discredit the news organization as simply being a mouthpiece for the U.S. government.
Even by participants’ own estimates, the ongoing OccupyWallStreet demonstration hasn’t been very big. But this small action against bank bailouts, public spending cuts, and money in politics has drawn an outsized presence in the tech and media world. Many protestors cited demonstrations in Egypt--and their use of social media to jump-start a revolution--as an inspiration.
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers think their service helped foster a better understanding of the U.S. in the communities they served, and 93% think the Peace Corps has improved America's image globally. They responded that the least achieved goal was helping fulfill the communities' needs for trained workers.
While U.S. military and economic hegemony may decline, it does not follow that American filmmakers -- or other agents of culture-making -- will lose global influence at the same time. America has... taken its advantages in money and power and linked them to the creation of cultural forms that have broad appeal to people worldwide.