united states

The 9/11 Commission charged by the U.S. Congress and president with investigating the “facts and circumstances relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001” and making recommendations for “how [to] avoid such tragedy” in the future had little to say about failures related to the nation’s diplomatic preparedness to combat ideological threats. In fact, the Commission’s conclusions about pre-9/11 diplomacy were summed up in its final report in one sentence:“The diplomatic efforts of the Department of State were largely ineffective.”

“Our mission is to support the ‘America in 3D’ project of the US Embassy...,” said USS Russel navigator First Lt. Chris Gostel. “America in 3D” is dubbed a “ Road Show in Diplomacy, Development, and Defense” and highlights American culture, values and society. The program was launched last March by the U.S. Embassy in Manila.

This is the first attempt at cultural diplomacy in the area and the concert discussed is part of a series designed to fulfill the requirements of a grant that provided instruments to the Mosul Academy of Fine Arts Institute. The diplomats who organized the concert are trying to balance the needs of the majority Kurdish Yezidi and minority Arab Muslim and Iraqi Christian populations.

The survey's banner findings concern American public opinion's shift towards Asia over Europe, particularly among the younger generation of Americans. For the first time ever, more Americans (51 percent) believe that Asian countries, such as China, Japan, or South Korea, are more important...

The Libyan rebels chuckle when they find a child-size T-shirt featuring a cartoon of Osama bin Laden amid the surveillance files, tapes and photos in one of the buildings abandoned by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's internal security forces..

The exhibition "Post-Oil City: The History of the City's Future" presents a host of innovative city planning projects in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Looking both to the past and to the future, the exhibition assembles eleven contemporary projects...

The British-American Business Council, Chicago (BABCC) recognizes corporations and/or individuals who have made significant contributions to furthering trade, commerce, civic, philanthropic and cultural relations between the UK and US with its annual British Consul General Award.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) became concerned that terrorists may had been planning to exploit the U.S. visa system... So why are we hinging the program’s expansion and U.S. public diplomacy on an unrealistic and expensive measure that will provide little added security?
