united states

August 10, 2010

The Great British Beer Festival is exactly what its name implies. It’s a festival, it’s great, there’s beer — enough of the stuff to soak an entire city — and it’s a proud celebration of brewing traditions that no one else upholds quite like the British...Except, it seems, the Americans.

President Barack Obama will have to deftly navigate an atomic minefield if he decides to visit Hiroshima, the city destroyed by the first atomic bomb 65 years ago, during his visit to Japan later this year.

Youth exchanges between Russia and the USA in the field of sports are gaining speed. They are organized by the US-Russia Presidential Commission, Obama-Medvedev, as part of numerous programmes in the field of sports. This commission was set up by the presidents of the two countries on July 6th, 2009, during the visit of the US leader to Moscow and it is aimed at improving the relationships and cooperation between the governments of Russia and the USA.

At a critical time in U.S.- Pakistan relations, a window of opportunity has opened for the U.S. to employ a more nuanced humanitarian diplomacy. This is the moment for the American public to affirm Naseer's faith, and the Obama administration to prove him wrong.

But for those of us who are working with corporations to tackle big global problems, the financial reform bill’s provisions raise three important questions: 1. What change are we seeking to achieve? 2. How can we achieve that change? 3. What is the responsible role of the private sector?

One of the most impressive online U.S. public diplomacy venues is Magharebia, a website and news service for North Africans that is published by the United States African Command (AFRICOM).

One of the most impressive online U.S. public diplomacy venues is Magharebia, a website and news service for North Africans that is published by the United States African Command (AFRICOM).

Japan marked the 65th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Friday with the United States represented at the ceremony for the first time...The United States...sent a representative to the ceremony for the first time, reflecting President Barack Obama's push to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
