united states

As the flood crisis in Pakistan's Swat Valley worsens, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development are promising an extended mission to deal with the longer-term effects, the leaders of both organizations said Wednesday.

Thirty-three journalists from the Maghreb region of Africa, including Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, entered into sometimes impassioned debate during the third annual Magharebia.com Writers Workshop, July 29 - August 1 at the U.S. Embassy in Tunis.

As Kenya takes a step in a positive direction, its trajectory from violence and complete institutional breakdown to slow but constructive change should be an opportunity for the international community and United States to evaluate the potential and limitations of preventive diplomacy as a concrete foreign policy tool.

August 4, 2010

It was in the book of Exodus, in the King James Version of the Bible, that Moses first called himself a “stranger in a strange land.” From then on up through Robert A. Heinlein’s 1961 novel of the same phrase, the “stranger in a strange land” genre has been (and remains) a staple of song, film, and literature. It seems that a sense of cultural disconnect has long plagued – and fascinated – humankind.

Anti-Americanism, just like pro-Americanism, is a worldwide trend. Just as every government has policies to deal with globalization, environmentalism, immigration and an aging population, governments also need to prepare for anti-Americanism.

Senegal is now the second country in Africa, following Ghana, where cellphone users can text an SMS to a Gchat account and receive a response for free...The former French colony is now the second country in Africa, following Ghana, where cellphone users can text an SMS to a Gchat account and receive a response for free.

Leonard Swidler, a Christian scholar at Temple University in Philadelphia, visited Saudi Arabia's ultra­conservative Al Imam Muhammed bin Saud Islamic University earlier this summer, underscoring a shift toward greater openness in some official religious institutions.

President Barack Obama hosted a group of young African business and civil leaders at the White House on Tuesday, part of his administration's outreach to a region of the world often overlooked at the top levels of U.S. diplomacy.
