Joseph Braude discusses how international broadcasting can be used for social change, such as in Nasser al-Qasabi's hit TV show "Selfie".

Internationally recognized experts Todd Helmus (RAND) and Erroll Southers (USC), joined us for a frank conversation about homegrown violent extremism and ISIS’s propaganda campaign.
Social media has empowered isis recruiting, helping the group draw at least 30,000 foreign fighters, from some 100 countries, to the battlefields of Syria and Iraq. It has aided the seeding of new franchises in places ranging from Libya and Afghanistan to Nigeria and Bangladesh. It was the vehicle isis used to declare war on the United States...
Malaysia will set up a regional centre that sends out the "right" message to counter the distorted narrative of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in its recruitment of foreign fighters for its cause.
We make it clear in everything that we do that their identity is British and football is a great way of doing this.It breaks down barriers, brings people together and is a fantastic way to learn about British history and culture. What could be more British than playing football?”
Warsame has been at the center of the region’s intensifying terrorism and recruitment concerns on different levels: At City Hall, he works on finding ways to create programs and opportunities leading youth to a productive future. In the community, he works with parents to educate them about the realities of radicalization in the community and the need to be involved in their children’s day-to-day activities.