european external action service
His mandate covers overall representation of the EU and leading Member States on EU matters; political dialogue with Tanzania and EAC authorities; management of development assistance; trade relations; and public diplomacy with the host country.
EEAS is actually a major innovation in the field of diplomacy as the first supranational diplomatic service of its kind...In this sense, rather than being an offshoot of just one EU institution, the EEAS is set to become the embodiment of common EU foreign policy...
The European Union - through the European External Action Service - should engage citizens, both inside the EU and around the globe, through the same medium which enabled protestors to topple autocrats and dictators. That being social media.
Proposals to reorient European policy have come from the European Commission and..European External Action Service...through advocacy of a “Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity” create a European Endowment for Democracy and a Civil Society Facility...

The USC Center on Public Diplomacy was pleased to host Dr. Mai'a Cross for a Conversation in Public Diplomacy. Dr. Cross will be discussing the creation of a European foreign service (formally known as the European External Action Service).
A new beast is lurking in the diplomatic jungle. Nobody knows if it will swallow up its rivals or meet the fate of the dinosaurs. It is called the European External Action Service, and is being trained to be the diplomatic arm of the European Union. It was formally approved by EU foreign ministers this week.