Jeju Island

CPD Director Jay Wang and CPD Faculty Fellow Amara Aguilar join the United Nations' 3rd annual convening of AI innovators in Geneva, Switzerland

The annual conference supported by South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be held June 26-28.
Jeju is the largest island off the south coast of the Korean Peninsula. Jeju Island has long been the country's favorite domestic holiday destination, thanks to its beautiful beaches, lush countryside and seaside hotels designed for rest and relaxation. [...] The island is also one of South Korea's best places for public diplomacy.
Scenic Jeju island is one of South Korea's best places for public diplomacy. It has natural beauty and a story to tell. If President Moon Jae-in has to visit Jeju Island for public diplomacy, the best timing could be one for the annual Jeju Forum and the other for the Jeju 4.3 Uprising memorial service. [...] Holding international conferences is a common way to promote public diplomacy. It's no wonder then that international conferences are often held in scenic places, such as Jeju. Jeju Island is a Korean version of Hawaii or Hainan or Okinawa.
South Korea will play a bigger role in Asia's investment in sustainable infrastructure through its experience of economic development and constant investment in basic facilities, a senior official at an international institution said. [...] The AIIB was formally launched on Jan. 16, with 57 founding members including South Korea, in a bid to promote economic growth in the Asian region by supporting infrastructure investment.
The reconceptualization of Jeju’s peace role from diplomacy to regional cultural exchange and new and renewable energy promotion has been a feature of Won’s governorship. [...] Won also wants to increase exchanges with North Korea and the event also included a seminar on the repercussions of Pyongyang’s recent nuclear test for North-South relations.