Anthony Gooch was appointed Director of Public Affairs & Communications at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in April 2008.
Prior to this he headed the European Commission’s Media and Public Diplomacy operations in the United Kingdom, promoting the EU's major global policy initiatives on issues such as Climate Change.
Between 2003 to 2006, he was based in Washington DC, heading the Commission's Media and Public Diplomacy operations in the United States, focusing on EU-US trade relations, competition cases such as Microsoft, EU global environmental and energy initiatives, bilateral negotiations on Open Skies and homeland security issues.
From 2002 to 2003, he was the EU’s Visiting Fellow to the University of Southern California Los Angeles Annenberg School, teaching and researching on globalization issues. He started as a Fellow of the USC Center for Public Diplomacy in 2005.
Between 1999 and 2002, he acted as the EU’s Trade Spokesman and special adviser to the EU’s then chief trade negotiator Commissioner Pascal Lamy, participating in WTO Ministerial Meetings in Seattle and launching the Doha Round, negotiating China's WTO entry, Free Trade Agreements with Latin American and African countries, launching the Everything but Arms Initiative and work to improve access to lifesaving medicines for the world’s poorest countries.
From 1995 to 1999, he specialised in EU relations with Latin America, co-ordinating the EU negotiating team to secure a Global Agreement and FTA with Mexico. Prior to joining the European Commission he worked for a strategic EU public affairs consultancy and as a freelance journalist.
He has a Postgraduate degree (DEA) in Political Science & International Relations from the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and an MA in Modern History from Cambridge University.
Prior Visits to the Center
April 19, 2006 -- "Taking it to the U.S.: the EU's Greatest Public Diplomacy Challenge" (Listen)