Jihad Fakhreddine, based in Lebanon, is an independent social and media research consultant.
Jihad is the former Regional Research Director for Gallup World Poll for Middle East and North Africa. In his tenure with Gallup, Jihad directed the national media surveys for BBG across the Arab world, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Uzbekistan.
Jihad was a regular contributor to gallup.com writing on MENA social, political and economic current affairs. He has written extensively on US-Arab public diplomacy and Arab pan Arab media.
Jihad obtained his PhD in Media from the University of Westminster, UK (2020). Title of the dissertation: Can Arabs Represent America: The Performativity of the U.S-Arab Public Diplomacy. The focus of the dissertation is on how Arab journalists working for the US government-owned Alhurra TV channel negotiate their mediation between America and the Arab publics.
Jihad obtained his BS and Master's degrees from the North Carolina State University system.