Molly Krasnodebska interned at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy as a member of the PDiN (Public Diplomacy in the News) resesarch team. She has a Masters in Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School of Communication & Journalism. Her research interests include the history of public diplomacy, particularly during the Cold War period, and the role history, identity and memory culture play in public diplomacy. Her regional focus was on Europe and the United States.
Prior to attending USC, Molly studied at the University of Hawai’i, from which she graduated in 2010 with a B.A. in history and philosophy. She wrote her bachelor thesis on the “Coverage of the Annexation of Hawai’i in U.S. Newspapers”.
As a Polish national having grown up in Germany, Molly is interested in Polish-German relations and the political situation in Central Europe. During her undergraduate studies she spent a year in Berlin, where she attended the Humboldt University. She also worked as an intern at the Polish Institute in Berlin, a cultural diplomacy institution promoting Polish-German dialogue.