Public Diplomacy & Development Communications
On February 27, 2015 the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) hosted a one-day symposium, “Public Diplomacy & Development Communications: Intersections, Overlaps and Challenges.” The conference was organized by Professor Karin Wilkins (University of Texas at Austin), Dr. James Pamment (University of Texas at Austin, Karlstad University & CPD Research Fellow), and CPD.
Public diplomacy and international development are usually considered separate fields, both for scholars and practitioners. However, for decades public and cultural diplomacy actors have received funding for activities such as scholarships, exchanges, information work and training out of official development assistance budgets.
The aim of this one-day symposium was to bring interested scholars from different research disciplines together in order to explore the common ground between activities that blur the categories of PD, soft power, nation brands, international development and development communication.
Conference Agenda
Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy & Development
- Kazumi Noguchi
Impact of Government-Philanthropy Collaboration on Global Health Diplomacy: A Case Study of Public-Private Partnerships in the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) - Craig Hayden
Procedural Rhetorics of Development in US Public Diplomacy: TechCamps, Internet Freedom, and MOOCs - Cesar Corona
Public Diplomacies & International Development Assistance - Efe Sevin & Banu Hawks
Development and Promotion: Development Assistance as a Public Diplomacy Instrument in Turkey - Karin Wilkins (moderator)
Education, Scholarships & Exchanges
- Andreas Åkerlund
Scholarship Programs as Development Assistance and Public Diplomacy - Hyunjin Seo & Stuart Thorson
Empathy in Public Diplomacy: US Academic Science Engagement with North Korea - Larisa Smirnova
Understanding the Eurasian Dimension of China’s Public Diplomacy - Vladimir Diaz
Developing Agricultural Leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Case of the IICA-CONACYT Scholarship Program in Mexico - Robert Banks (moderator)
Keynote Panel and Lunch
- Nicholas J. Cull
- Joe Straubhaar
- Gary Rawnsley
- James Pamment (moderator)
Alternative Approaches to Development
- Tara Ornstein
Public Diplomacy and TB Control in Brazil: A Case Study - Anna Velikaya
Military Sport Cooperation as an Underestimated Public Diplomacy Tool - B. Senem Çevik
Turkey’s Faith-Based NGOs: A Framework of Grassroots Networking - Katherine Reilly
Canada’s Shifting Development Partnerships Model: From Global Norm Formation to Public Diplomacy - Shabnam Shalizi (moderator)
Media in Development
- Valerie Cooper
Toward a ‘Developed’ Media: The Priorities of Media Development in S. Sudan - Ming-Yeh Rawnsley
Science Communication in Taiwan: Rethinking the Local and Global - Ece Algan
Limits of Soft Power and Nation-Branding via Media: The Case of Turkish Television - Shearon Roberts
Mass Media Roles in Haiti’s Post-Earthquake Reconstruction: A Comparison of State-Owned & Mainstream Media - Fran Hassencahl
Radio Sawa: Changing the Arab World One Song at a Time - Jie-Ae Sohn (moderator)
Nation Brands & Economic Development
- Nadia Kaneva
Nation Branding and the Neo-liberal State - Juyan Zhang
Nation Branding in a Microcosm: Analysis of East Asian Nations’ Public Diplomacy on a U.S. College Campus - Kyung Sun (Karen) Lee
Understanding Citizen Diplomacy within Nation Branding Framework: Branding South Korea through Overseas Volunteers - Yan Wu & Yakun Yu
China’s Dream and the Chinese Dream: Soft Power as a Political Discourse and a Public Discourse - Gary Rawnsley (moderator)
To read more about James Pamment's CPD Research Project, Intersections Between Public Diplomacy and International Development, please click here.
This program was co-sponsored by the USC Center for International Studies and the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.
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