A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turkey Government Still Wants Twitter Office

Turkey's government has said it still hopes Twitter will open an office in the country, a day after the social networking site ruled out any such move. In a statement on Thursday following several days of talks with Twitter executives, Communication Minister Lutfi Elvan said Turkey had suggested that the company open a "liaison office" to improve coordination with the government.

Tags: turkey, twitter, social media, recep tayyip erdogan, internet, censorship, surveillance, digital diplomacy

U.S. and Russia Agree on Pact to Defuse Ukraine Crisis

The United States, Russia, Ukraine and the European Union reached an agreement here on Thursday evening that calls for armed pro-Russian bands to give up the government buildings they have seized in eastern Ukraine and outlines other steps to de-escalate the crisis.

Tags: ukraine, diplomacy, russia, united states, europe, john kerry

How Much Do You Know About Turkey's 'Twitter Trial'?

In Turkey, 29 men and women are about to go on trial for Twitter messages they sent during the Gezi Protests last June. This is another ugly step in the Turkish government’s increasingly intense war on dissent. It is important to let the government – as well as those on trial – know that the whole world is watching.

Tags: turkey, social media, twitter, censorship, recep tayyip erdogan, protest

China 'Frustrated' By What It Sees As US Efforts To Contain It In Asia

From territorial disputes in two of Asia's major seas to the nuclear crisis in North Korea, Chinese and US officials have exchanged sharp words - a trend that analysts say has heightened China's frustration over what it perceives as intensifying efforts to contain its rise.

Tags: china, north korea, united states, japan, foreign policy, military diplomacy, alliances, hard power, cui tiankai, south china sea

Morocco Expands Clout in Sub-Saharan Africa

The recent tour of King Mohamed VI of Morocco of a number of African countries was packed with symbolism. It was a reflection of the kingdom's recent drive to expand its economic and political influence across sub-Saharan Africa, and it showed how Morocco makes use of both historic ties in the region and the kingdom's trump card - the spiritual authority of the Moroccan throne.

Tags: morocco, sub-sahara, africa, king mohammed vi, ivory coast, foreign policy, diplomacy, economy, trade, development

China, Russia Seek 'Enhanced Mutual Political Support'

Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, was in China Tuesday. During his visit, Lavrov held meetings with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi as well as President Xi Jinping. According to a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Lavrov’s visit was primarily designed to “lay the groundwork” for President Vladimir Putin’s scheduled visit to China in May.

Tags: china, russia, sino-russian relations, foreign policy, conference on interaction and confidence building measures in asia, asia pacific

Putin Says Ukraine 'On Verge of Civil War'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned Ukraine is "on the verge of civil war." The Kremlin said Putin made the comment in a telephone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the situation there.

Tags: russia, vladimir putin, kremlin, ukraine, pro-russian separatists, civil war, conflict, europe

Cuban Doctors in Eye of Venezuelan Hurricane

When Judith Faraiz's son was near death after a severe motorcycle accident, she put his life in the hands of God and Cuban doctors. 

Tags: cuba, venezuela, socialism, medical diplomacy, hugo chavez, fidel castro, exchange diplomacy, medical exchange


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