A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cross-Border Environmental Cooperation

When Shadi Shiha arrived at the Israeli-Jordanian border and saw the armed Israeli soldiers and the Israeli flag, he almost turned around and went home. [...] That was almost a year ago. Shiha, who is also a serious break-dancer, spent two semesters at the Arava Institute at Kibbutz Ketura in southern Israel and he says it changed his world view.

Tags: environmental diplomacy, conflict management, jordan, israel, palestine, cooperation

World Cup 2026: Morocco Confirms it Will Bid to Host Tournament

The Moroccan Football Federation has announced it will bid to host the 2026 World Cup. [...] The World Cup has only been hosted once in Africa - in South Africa in 2010 - and this will be Morocco's fifth bid.

Tags: sports diplomacy, world cup 2026, morocco, north africa, middle east, soccer, confederation of african football

ICCR presents screening of ‘When We Dead Awaken’

Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), in association with J&K Academy of Art Culture and Languages organized the screening of world famous play ‘When We Dead Awaken’ written by Henrik Ibsen and directed by India’s most celebrated internationally acclaimed theatre director Ratan Thiyam here at Abhinav Theatre Jammu.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, cultural relations, film, jammu kashmir, india, when we dead awaken, building bridges

This U.S. Sports Envoy Is Bridging Communities With Skateboarding

Williams is a skateboarding envoy with the U.S. State Department and is spreading his love for the sport, recently completing a cultural diplomacy mission in Cambodia, where he highlighted skateboarding's benefits to young people.“It’s a bridge between people all over the world,” Williams said. “For me, I’ve always been focused on what it was that made skateboarding special.”

Tags: sports diplomacy, us department of state, neftalie williams, skateboarding, Cultural Diplomacy, bridging cultures

Embassy Websites: First Impressions Count

In traditional diplomacy, a foreign public’s first impressions are formed by the architecture of embassy compounds, the grandeur of ambassadorial vehicles, the candor of diplomatic representatives, or the elegance of diplomatic functions. They serve as representations of the power, culture, and influence of the sending state. In digital diplomacy, a foreign public’s first impressions are often formed by the embassy website.

Tags: Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, embassy websites, social media, web culture, digital storytelling, strategic narratives

Youth and International Youth Day

As Uganda joins the rest of the world to commemorate the International Youth Day on August 12, 2017 next week under the theme “Youth building peace”, allow me appreciate the framers of this day to the lives of young people. They did a lot of work and thought twice about the future of youth who are the world’s biggest resourceful population for its development.

Tags: op-ed, international youth day, uganda, youth building peace, africa, youth engagement

Workshop Highlights the Need for Innovation Policy in Antigua

Under the theme, “Stimulating Private Sector Development and Economic Growth”, The Ministry of Finance in collaboration with Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility hosted the workshop in an effort to start a dialogue on generating innovation in the private sector.

Tags: international development, private sector, antigua, economic growth, caribbean community, human resources

U.S. Government Supports New Digital Platform for Lebanon to Engage Diaspora

U.S. Ambassador Elizabeth Richard joined Prime Minister Hariri on Thursday to launch the Diaspora Investment and Development platform, developed with the support of a $1,050,000 grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Tags: digital diplomacy, lebanese diaspora, lebanon, united states, usaid, investment & development


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