international development

An analysis of the effects of international advocacy on Malawi's public opinion.

This Week in PD, we share international news on cultural diplomacy, nation branding, cultural exchange and more.

This Week in PD, we share international news on nation branding, international development, soft power and more.

This Week in PD, we share international news on soft power, cultural diplomacy, international development and more.

According to Markos Kounalakis, without a defined foreign policy, the United States' influence in Africa is likely to decline.

Jan Melissen and Ries Kamphof look at the opportunity for businesses to participate in the UN's sustainable development goals.
This International Peace Day a striking 84% of people in the UK, US and Germany agree that ‘human beings have the right to live in peace: free from conflict’. [...] Peacebuilding is often an invisible sub-sector of international development. There is no one definition of the term, but it is considered by the United Nations and those that work in the field as a process which goes beyond ending violence to establish the conditions for durable peace and prevent the recurrence of violence.
Under the theme, “Stimulating Private Sector Development and Economic Growth”, The Ministry of Finance in collaboration with Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility hosted the workshop in an effort to start a dialogue on generating innovation in the private sector.