A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Clock's Ticking - One Year to the Great Exhibition of the North

On June 22, 2018 the spotlight will fall on Newcastle and Gateshead – or NewcastleGateshead if you prefer – as it becomes the global showcase for the great contributions of the North of England in art and culture, design and innovation.

Tags: city diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, england, culture uk, destination branding, place branding

Performing Diplomacy: Lessons from Australia’s AsiaTOPA

In addition to the aesthetic and educational value of international cultural exchange and collaboration, Asia TOPA provided an excellent platform for developing critical economic, political, and security relationships between Australia and its Asian neighbors.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, australia, u.s., performing arts, asia topa triennial, smart power & soft power, government pd

Cultural Exhibition Offers Nepalese Insight into Chinese History, Culture

A week-long exhibition on China Intangible Culture kicked off here [Kathmandu] on Thursday, offering Nepalese an opportunity to gain an insight into the rich and abundant Chinese history and culture.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nepal, china, China's Soft Power, government pd, soft power

Qatar Issue May Affect China's Soft Power as Biggest Property Buyer

China's soft power as the world's biggest property buyer is under severe strain due to a government crackdown on capital flight and the Qatar controversy, which is expected to drive a lot of Arab money into the property market in western countries.

Tags: china, China's Soft Power, qatar, economy, smart & soft power, economic power, soft power

Taekwondo Event May Spark ‘Sports Diplomacy’ with NK

A North Korean-led taekwondo organization will participate in a world taekwondo championship in South Korea opening Saturday, amid the Moon Jae-in administration seeking “sports diplomacy” to repair its relationship with North Korea. 

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, sports diplomacy, south korea, north korea, sports exchange, international exchange

Yunus Emre Institute has Launched Operations in Washington DC

Yunus Emre Institute, which was established with the aim of promoting Turkish language, culture and art and increasing cultural exchange between Turkey and other countries, has started operating in Washington DC after the first center was opened in Maryland, U.S. last April.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, yunus emre institute, turkey, washington dc, turkish language, cultural exchange, cultural institute

Stop Inventing "New Diplomacies"

We must end the obsession with creating new “types” of diplomacy. [...] No doubt such concepts are useful for securing academic funding and publication in academic journals. But they are frequently conceptually confused, risk these new kinds of diplomacy being seen as an end in themselves, rather than as part of broader diplomatic strategies, and, more seriously, risk emptying the concept “Diplomacy” of any meaning.

Tags: types of diplomacy, conceptual confusion, diplomatic strategy, outside diplomacy, non-state actors, government pd, international relations, diplomatic studies

Science Diplomacy and the Arctic Council: A Catalyst for Deeper Regional Cooperation?

What is science diplomacy? It is a growing political concept of using science as a means of foreign policy. Foreign policy is no longer exclusively hard diplomacy, but can include the exchange of knowledge, the exchange of scientists, and cooperation between states regarding prevalent science issues. [...] For example, in the Arctic it strengthens cooperation as a whole and serves as a means of deepening cooperation in other fields—what we call a spillover effect.

Tags: science diplomacy, arctic council, regional cooperation, cooperation, climate change, global warming, marine pollution


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