A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Council on developing Hungary’s country brand gets a makeover

With a panel of experts arriving from various areas and sectors, Hungary’s Országmárka Tanács (Country Brand Council) is continuing its operation in a new structure, with new tasks. In a recent government decree, the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice has been assigned with reorganizing the council...

Tags: nation branding, non-state actors, hungary

NATO faces challenges, threats, including to its image

The Atlantic Council of Turkey, which is working to increase public involvement in NATO affairs, gathered analysts from various countries and held its 18th International Antalya Conference on Security and Cooperation to discuss the future of the alliance.

Tags: public opinion, turkey, nato, image building

Frankly, says the diplomat

So does Wikileaks' publication of masses of secret and confidential reports from U.S. missions abroad really matter? The publication of these cables is certainly a major embarrassment for the U.S. State Department.

Tags: united states, public opinion, us department of state, wikileaks

A WikiLeaks disconnect

The diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks have, among other things, fed the notion that America's partners in the Middle East would support a forceful, perhaps even military, response against the nuclear efforts of Iran.

Tags: united states, middle east, public opinion, wikileaks

Afghan poll shows falling confidence in U.S. efforts to secure country

Afghans are more pessimistic about the direction of their country, less confident in the ability of the United States and its allies to provide security and more willing to negotiate with the Taliban than they were a year ago, according to a new poll conducted in all of Afghanistan's 34 provinces.

Tags: united states, public opinion, afghanistan

Not Dead Yet

Leaking diplomatic dispatches used to be a recognized diplomatic art. In the not too distant past, American ambassadors in Central America or the Middle East who thought Washington was ignoring their cables would share them with correspondents, knowing that news reports would have a better chance of reaching the secretary of state’s desk than almost any memo the ambassadors wrote themselves.

Tags: united states, soft power, wikileaks

Leaks damaged US credibility: Turki

Former Saudi ambassador to Washington Prince Turki Al-Faisal Sunday felt that America's credibility and honesty have been seriously compromised following the recent publication of hundreds of confidential diplomatic cables.

Tags: united states, wikileaks, saudi arabia, prince turki

US and Iran worlds apart in Bahrain

Hillary Clinton and Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister, may have been seated at the same dinner table in the centre of the imposing ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton hotel in the Bahraini capital but they seemed to be worlds apart.

Tags: united states, iran, hillary clinton


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