A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Panel: Pentagon Role Needed in Public Diplomacy

The Pentagon's role in public diplomacy was strongly endorsed by panelists at a Heritage Foundation forum here yesterday. “Influencing the enemy’s will to fight is as old as warfare,” argued Colonel Matt Venhaus of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict. “Sending teams out to embassies to support public diplomacy is one way we do that.”

Tags: united states, government pd, military, pentagon

Taiwanese gastrodiplomacy 2.0

There is an old American public diplomacy maxim that states: “To know us is to love us.” But in Taiwan, gastrodiplomacy—the promotion of Taiwan abroad through its cuisine—has served up a mouthwatering variation on this theme: “To taste us is to love us.”

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, taiwan, gastrodiplomacy

The Climate Change Communication Forum

Communicating climate change presents us with a fundamental challenge. Climate change threatens all countries on Earth, regardless of their degree of development. However, telling the story of climate change, its causes and effects, and the ways in which we can contribute in the fight against it, remains a difficult task for any party involved, including the scientific community, governments, the media or nongovernmental organizations.

Tags: government pd, non-state actors, climate change, green diplomacy

1,000-man militia being trained in north Somalia

In the northern reaches of Somalia and the country's presidential palace, a well-equipped military force is being created, funded by a mysterious donor nation that is also paying for the services of a former CIA officer and a senior ex-U.S. diplomat. The Associated Press has determined through telephone and e-mail interviews with three insiders that training for an anti-piracy force of up to 1,050 men has already begun in Puntland, a semiautonomous region in northern Somalia that is believed to hold reserves of oil and gas.

Tags: non-state pd, military, somalia

Madonna tastes Mexican bureaucracy in opening Hard Candy Fitness gym

Madonna, always the tough girl, did not let the news of drug-fueled beheadings and butchering in Mexico scare her off. The pop queen inaugurated her Hard Candy Fitness gym in a posh Mexico City neighborhood on Monday night, with Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard in the crowd.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, sports diplomacy, mexico, celebrity diplomacy

China’s promise lures grads home

Chinese students with foreign college degrees are coming home in ever greater numbers. Some are drawn by the new opportunities that China's rapidly expanding economy is opening up to highly educated, internationally minded young people.

Tags: china, non-state pd, education diplomacy

Palestinians turn a profit on the occupation

“Come and see the settlers, 50 shekels from my roof!” This is the offer increasingly made to tourists who visit the divided West Bank city of Hebron. Islam and other Palestinian youths like him are turning occupation into opportunity.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, israel, tourism, palestine

WikiLeaks Shows the Skills of U.S. Diplomats

A remarkably broad consensus has formed that WikiLeaks' latest data dump is a diplomatic disaster for the U.S. While there are debates over how the Obama Administration should respond, everyone agrees that the revelations have weakened America. But have they?

Tags: united states, government pd, public opinion, us department of state, wikileaks


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