A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Remarks at Reception for the @america Center

We believe that, at a time where citizens everywhere are more connected and more informed, governments acting alone cannot solve the problems which confront us or seize the opportunities which surround us. We are working hard to find new and innovative ways to expand and strengthen the relations between the people of the United States and people all over the world.

Tags: united states, public opinion, non-state actors, new technology, non-state pd, us department of state, indonesia, judith mchale

Happy Birthday Wishes For Peace Corps on 50th Year

During the Cold War — when the U.S. and the Soviet Union raced to find allies — you were viewed as a way to exert soft power and build friendship with countries susceptible to communist influence.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, non-state actors, non-state pd, cold war, peace corps

Foreign Policy: What If All Diplomacy Was Public

Here's the question: How much difference would it really make if all these "private" diplomatic meetings were public?...how much would world politics change if all these conversations were held in public so that people could see and hear what was being said?

Tags: united states, public opinion, us department of state, wikileaks

Wikileaks shows the cynical nature of West diplomacy

However, we have to add our voice to those supporters of the free flow of information who argue that it is vital that the public - and in this globalised village we mean every citizen of the world - has as much information at their disposal about how those in control of the levers of power utilise that power as possible.

Tags: united states, public opinion, us department of state, wikileaks

Malaysia the Middle Power

For those not of the PD cohort, a middle power is neither a super power nor small power, but resides somewhere in the middle...Middle Powers are usually multilateralist and are apt to try to use public diplomacy to increase their visibility on the international stage...

Tags: public opinion, malaysia, middle powers

Dictators, Democracies and WikiLeaks

Why are diplomatic cables secret at all? It's a fair question to ask as we assess the WikiLeaks disclosures and the damage they may do. Overall, there are very few surprises in these cables.

Tags: united states, public opinion, us department of state, wikileaks

India’s leadership unknown to much of world: Gallup poll

As India seeks to cement its place as a world leader with its bid for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council , Gallup surveys find India's leadership has work to do on its global image. Its leadership remains unknown to large parts of the world.

Tags: india, public opinion, image building

‘Israel’s public diplomacy tactics insufficient’

MKs and members of both new and traditional media complained Tuesday that the government’s public diplomacy strategy was ineffective and did not meet the needs of modern communications or successfully represent Israel’s interests.

Tags: media, public opinion, israel


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