A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Argentina latest in Latin America to recognize Palestinian state

Jewish leaders in Latin America are questioning the merits of Argentina's decision on Monday to recognize an independent Palestinian nation within the borders that prevailed before 1967's Six Day War, just days after Brazil made a similar announcement.

Tags: government pd, israel, palestine, brazil

Favela Força goes south - cultural exchange

The Cultural Development Trust (CDT) is hosting a theatre production from Brazil, Favela-Força from 7 to 19 December 2010. The theatre production consisting of five actors plus the art director is visiting South Africa as part of a cultural exchange programme between CDT and IBISS Brazil, a non-profit organisation that works with youth in the Favelas (townships in Rio de Janeiro).

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, south africa, brazil, theatre

Will Bar Refaeli’s view of Egypt as ‘primitive’ harm diplomacy?

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli upset Egyptians when she called the country "primitive" in an interview after her most recent visit to the country a month ago, according to report in the Egyptian press.

Tags: public opinion, egypt, israel, tourism, celebrity diplomacy

Our Greek friends

Early Friday morning, fire-fighting planes and firefighters began pouring in from countries around the world, answering Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s call for help in fighting the largest forest fire it had ever known...The first arrivals were toy-like yellow planes, sent from Greece. They flew low over the Mediterranean, scooping up seawater. Then they moved inland, pouring the water over the flames.

Tags: soft power, israel, disaster relief, greece

Science, Technology, and Global Change

In a previous article, I examined the relationships – or lack thereof – between diplomacy, science, and international policy, and noted the serious image problems that plague all three enterprises. These difficulties have hobbled the practice of science diplomacy, and are compounded by a host of substantial issues, which will be addressed presently.

Tags: public opinion, science diplomacy, daryl copeland

Afghan TV Show Aims To Burnish Police Reputation

A new television cop show has hit the airwaves in Afghanistan. Called Eagle Four, it tracks the fictional adventures of an elite police unit that chases terrorists, kidnappers and smugglers in the midst of a war zone. Loosely inspired by American TV thrillers such as 24, the show has plenty of cartoonish action, but the people behind it, including financial support from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, are hoping it also conveys a message.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, media, afghanistan, television diplomacy, law enforcement

Cultural diplomacy: To sell European culture and values globally

The objective of culture is no longer only to create art or literature. "Cultural Diplomacy" is increasingly being used as a vehicle to promote liberal democratic values and to foster "democracy and participation", says Dutch Liberal member Marietje Schaake (ALDE), who last week presented her report on cultural diplomacy. We spoke to her and asked her about her report.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, european union

The Wikileaked Cables: So That’s What Diplomats do!

Everyone who has represented the U.S. abroad knows what it’s like to be among fellow Americans who haven’t the foggiest notion of what the State Department does or, for that matter, what on earth diplomacy is good for. Julian Assange and Wikileaks may have lifted the veil. That's not entirely to the bad.

Tags: united states, public opinion, us department of state, wikileaks


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