A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Learning U.S. makes it possible to deal with the nation

Only through our arduous, earnest efforts to learn the U.S., can we do researches in this regard well and to engage or deal with the nation in a better and more successful way. So, we should set up our strategic researches concerning the nation based on our assiduous study of the American grand strategy.

Tags: cultural understanding

Middle Kingdom meets Magic Kingdom

A small storefront leads to an English-language school run by Disney...Most students seem happy and engaged. As they ask each other questions, their English sounds no less articulate than that of similarly-aged Americans. Thousands of Chinese children have signed up for Disney’s schools since the first one was opened in October 2008.

Tags: china, united states, education diplomacy, disney

Battle lines drawn over judiciary reform in Turkey

Turks have witnessed the ruling AK Party bring a powerful army to heel and humble political rivals. The spectacle now of one prosecutor arresting another, emblazoned across the internet, illustrates dramatically where the EU-candidate's Muslim democracy is facing its ultimate test.

Tags: turkey, european union, elections

Commentary: Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks…Again

The Israeli government and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) have agreed to engage in direct peace talks Sept. 2 in Washington. Neither side has expressed any enthusiasm about the talks. In part, this comes from the fact that entering any negotiations with enthusiasm weakens your bargaining position.

Tags: palestine, peace talks

Kim Travels to China to Visit School

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il traveled to northeastern China—his second trip in four months to Pyongyang's chief ally—to visit a school attended by his father, in a symbolic move that appeared aimed at solidifying plans for his own succession.

Tags: china, north korea, kim jong il

Blair: Don’t apply rules to Israel that you wouldn’t apply to your own country

Former British prime minster Tony Blair nailed his colours firmly to the mast of Israel and democracy this week in a stunning address to press, politicians and diplomats in Herzliya.

Tags: tony blair

BFSU opens diplomacy center

The first public diplomacy research center in China was set up at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) Thursday. The center will serve as an open platform with social resources available to scholars to conduct research and offer advice to state departments, Chen Yulu, president of BFSU, said at a press conference.

Tags: china

Radio Farda Says Record Number of Iranians Visit Its Website

The Internet has become an increasingly important part of the distribution channels for U.S.-funded international broadcasting operations. Here’s one example. Radio Liberty’s Persian-language radio service Radio Farda broadcasts on short- and medium-wave, the Internet and satellite radio to Iran 24/7.

Tags: united states, international broadcasting, iran, radio farda


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