A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

International exchange can take Chinese culture global

Despite its rich cultural resources, China has a relatively weak capacity of cultural transmission. Enhancing such capacity is a pragmatic approach to strengthen China's national cultural soft power. China should positively engage in international cultural exchange, and endeavor to build branches of the Confucius Institute all over the world.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, confucius institutes, confucius institutes project

Korean writing system saves Indonesian tribe’s language

South Korea has another item that’s ready for export. This time it’s not another high-tech marvel but a product of the country’s ancient culture, its own unique writing system known as Hangul, and it’s going to become the alphabet for a tribal grouping in a remote corner of Indonesia.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, language, indonesia, korea

Chinese university to expand foreign enrollment

Tsinghua University, one of China’s top universities, said on Monday it will increase its number of foreign graduate students as Beijing steps up use of education and other “soft power” initiatives to promote its image abroad.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, non-state actors, non-state pd, education diplomacy

Hosting The Commonwealth Games: Will It Boost India’s Soft Power?

India's decision to host the Commonwealth Games seems to have become less popular in the country for its reported oganisational failures in the run-up to the Games. Staging the Games will not help much to advance its soft power.

Tags: soft power, india, public opinion, sports diplomacy

Forum to boost China-Japan ties

Now the forum is a major platform for public diplomacy between the two nations. It will see nearly 200 leaders from the political, business, academic and media fields take part in a two-day discussion starting Monday in Tokyo. More than 800 students and journalists have applied for a seat to listen to the panel discussions.

Tags: china, media, non-state actors, japan

25th Infantry Division Band to perform in China, Russia

Three groups from the 25th Infantry Division Band will travel to Russia and China Sept. 3-13 to perform at different events and represent the United States military.

Tags: china, united states, Cultural Diplomacy, russia, music diplomacy, military

Energy forum in Turkey to ‘facilitate regional dialogue’

After its inaugural convention in Bucharest last year, the Black Sea Energy and Economic Forum, or BSEEF, is taking a big step to build dialogue within the Eurasian region. According to Ambassador Ross Wilson, the Atlantic Council is organizing the forum in Istanbul this year in order to highlight the economic and cultural commonalities in the region and stimulate discussions on common problems.

Tags: iran, turkey, energy forum

Soft power helps Chinese firms tackle tough problems

China is indisputably at the top of most international agendas in both the political and business worlds.However, whether China's business community is ready for leadership role is another matter. Soft power has been on the radar of China's political elite since being endorsed by President Hu Jintao in 2007.

Tags: foreign investment


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