A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Israeli PM joins social networking era

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday officially joined the social networking era with the launching of a new YouTube channel, as well as Facebook, Twitter and flickr accounts.

Tags: media, government pd, social media, israel

Will New York’s Mosque Protests Aid Terrorist Recruiters?

The continuing controversy over a proposed Islamic community center and mosque to be built near the site of the former World Trade Center has some in the counterterrorism community worried about the fallout in the Muslim world.

Tags: united states, faith diplomacy, islam, ground zero mosque

Drummer Mike Clark Plans Russia Tour to Promote Cultural Diplomacy

Jazz legend Mike Clark has confirmed plans for a tour of Russia next month, to promote cultural diplomacy and to introduce audiences in Moscow, Siberia, St. Petersburg and elsewhere to his acclaimed Owl Studios release, ‘Carnival of Soul'.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, russia, us department of state

Gap-year students learn to give ‘face’ in chase for the China dream

Not so long ago students and graduates who hadn't found a job would spend their summer holidays searching for their souls in some far-flung corner of the globe, but it seems in cut-back Britain that is a luxury many feel they can no longer afford.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, united kingdom, youth, cultural understanding, internship

European Parliament: The Video Game

The game will take players through the hallways of European Parliament offices in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. As is the tradition in such pastimes, players can use their avatars to do everything from choosing flowers and furniture to debating the effects of climate change.

Tags: new technology, europe, european union, second life, video games

Nalanda: a soft power project

The passage of the Nalanda University Bill by Parliament is a firm indication that India is moving in the direction of unleashing its soft power on Asia and the world. This is reinforced by the efficient completion of the South Asian University project under SAARC and India's decision to open up its higher education sector to global inputs and competition.

Tags: soft power, india, public opinion, education diplomacy, asia

A Restored Synagogue in an Unlikely Place

While the controversy surrounding the proposed Muslim Community Center and Mosque at Ground Zero continues on in the U.S., another site of worship has been restored and opened in the most unlikely place—Beirut, Lebanon.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, faith diplomacy, non-state actors, lebanon

Canada, Costa Rica initiate young professionals exchange program

Young Ticos will soon have the opportunity to work on Canada's famous ski slopes, study in the best Canadian universities or travel through the northern nation's national parks, thanks to an agreement signed by the two countries' foreign ministers on Friday.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, canada, youth, costa rica


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