A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

‘Let’s Brand Ghana With Cocoa’

The Chie of Staff, Henry Martey Newman has urged Ghanaians to support initiatives aimed at finding a brand identity for Ghana. Mr. Newman was of the opinion that to build a better brand identity for Ghana, cocoa, which is the major foreign exchange earner of the country, should be rebranded and redesigned to look more attractive.

Tags: nation branding, africa, gastrodiplomacy, ghana

Dancers cover up for diplomacy’s sake

Cheerleaders donned black leggings and white T-shirts for a world championship basketball match between Iran and the United States in Istanbul on Wednesday to respect cultural sensitivities...Patrick Baumann, secretary-general of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), said "special arrangements" had been made with the dancers' dress on Wednesday.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, iran, europe, turkey, sports diplomacy, cultural understanding, basketball

Kenya seeks to build image after Bashir visit row

The Government is on a charm offensive following the controversy sparked by the visit of Sudan President Omar al-Bashir. Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetang'ula has moved to secure international support for the implementation of the new constitution. International support has been a major driver to Kenya’s reform process since the 2007 post-election violence...

Tags: government pd, public opinion, africa, kenya

Public TV Hijacked by Foreign Propagandists

About 30 non-commercial TV stations around the U.S. are airing “MHz Network Worldview,” which includes programs from Al Jazeera English, the Kremlin’s “Russia Today” and other foreign state-controlled instruments of propaganda.

Tags: media, international broadcasting, public opinion, al jazeera, propaganda

Who’s Got More Twitter Influence, You or Hugo Chavez?

It's one thing to maintain ruthless control over an oppressed citizenry. But quite something else to tweet about it well. In today's Davos-driven geopolitics, even authoritarian leaders need to be savvy about public relations. That's why even the toughest leaders are all up on the Internet; they use Twitter to craft their images without the hassle and noise of competing parties or media bias.

Tags: government pd, new technology, twitter, hugo chavez, kim jong il, evo morales, pervez musharaff

India Show inaugurated by President Zuma in Johannesburg

The four day mega-event, organized by the Government of India in association with the High Commission and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), is a major drive to push trade and business ties in the African continent.

Tags: india, south africa, trade diplomacy

The End of the Virtual World

[Rik] Panganiban is assistant director of the Online Leadership Program for Global Kids, which for four years has relied on the Teen Grid to educate urban youth from around the world about such topics as racism, the genocide in Darfur, child trafficking, public diplomacy, and the digital divide, in collaboration with UNICEF, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Youth Ventures, and more.

Tags: non-state actors, new technology, non-state pd, second life, video games

Emirates increases Saudi services

Emirates is to increase flights from Dubai to Al Medinah al Munawarah in Saudi Arabia to seven flights per week from 31 October 2010 due to the growing importance of economic and cultural ties between the two nations.

Tags: non-state actors, non-state pd, saudi arabia, dubai, aviation diplomacy


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