A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Seattle visit nostalgic for Japan’s ambassador to U.S.

When Ichiro Fujisaki first arrived in the United States in 1960 at age 13, he found himself thrust into a strange new world, starting public school in Seattle's Magnolia neighborhood even though he spoke no English. Next week he will visit the same school, Catharine Blaine K-8, as Japan's ambassador to the United States.

Tags: united states, japan

Soft power on show at Ajmer and Mumbai

Israel’s ambassador in India, Mark Sofer, visited the shrine of renowned Sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti at Ajmer last Friday. Israel’s move to reach out to Muslims in India and Muslims in general is both shrewd and right.

Tags: soft power, india, public opinion, israel

Taiwan builds tennis center in St. Lucia

Taiwan's sports diplomacy is in full swing! That's as the country recently completed construction on a national tennis center in Saint Lucia. Republic of China Ambassador to Saint Lucia Tom Chou said that the purpose of building the tennis center is to make tennis a national pastime in Taiwan's Caribbean ally.

Tags: taiwan, sports diplomacy, caribbean, tennis

The changing tastes of diplomacy

Gastrodiplomacy is more than the promotion of a new taste or dish abroad. It stands for a concerted effort to use cuisine as part of cultural diplomacy. For example, the Thai government in 2002 launched an ambitious programme to put Thailand among the top five exporters of food.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, gastrodiplomacy

‘Anime’ makes Japan superpower

Japan may be on a slow decline as far as being a global economic force, but the "soft power" of its modern entertainment genres, from manga to "anime," has global appeal, especially among young people. Why and how did this entertainment media thrive? How popular is it overseas?

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, japan, anime

Africa: Green Revolution Forum convenes in Ghana

Addressing over 500 participants at the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), leaders representing African governments and the continent’s best and brightest in the fields of agriculture, finance, and development emphasized the need to break from long-term policies that have neglected agriculture and discouraged investment in the farm sector.

Tags: africa, non-state actors, non-state pd, development, civil society, ghana, agriculture, best practices, farming

Making humanitarian medical knowledge accessible to all

Facing square-on the ethical dilemmas that arise in times of conflict, Israeli experts shared their vast experience providing humanitarian aid at home and abroad with 65 medical students and activists from 25 countries.

Tags: non-state actors, israel, new technology, non-state pd, youth, humanitarian aid, best practices

African Union science awards to change name

The African Union Scientific Awards, some of which are scheduled to be given later this week (9 September), will be officially renamed at the ceremony as the African Union Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards in order to increase the AU's international visibility.

Tags: science diplomacy, africa, african union


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