A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Kyodo News Launches Fully Redesigned English Website

Kyodo News has launched a fully redesigned website for its English-language service as part of efforts to strengthen its multilingual and multimedia services... The Kyodo News English-language service covers developments around the globe 24 hours a day, with a particular focus on Japan and the Asia-Pacific region.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, media, non-state actors, new technology, non-state pd, japan, asia pacific, internet diplomacy, english, international media

Clinton declares an ‘American Moment’ in foreign policy

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Wednesday that "a new American moment" had arrived in international relations--"a moment when our global leadership is essential, even if we must often lead in new ways."

Tags: united states, public opinion, hillary clinton, us department of state, foreign policy, leadership

New top music tour destination: Damascus

Syria’s ancient capital is hardly the usual venue for an international band on tour. Partly due to its negative image in the West and partly because it is uncharted territory for foreign musicians, pop-loving Syrians have long been resigned to traveling to neighboring Lebanon or Jordan to watch their favorite international artists. Now that’s changing.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, syria, image building

Aid and NGOs

The promises are part of the effort to build trust between the United States and Pakistan so that the latter can believe that Washington is a long-term partner, committed to the country’s development, and is not pursuing short-term strategic goals.

Tags: united states, pakistan, public opinion, non-state actors, aid diplomacy, usaid, non-governmental organizations

Sir Michael Lyons: BBC World Service needs more money, not less

The BBC chairman, Sir Michael Lyons, has said that the government should spend more rather than less on the World Service after it emerged that it is facing huge budget cuts. He told MPs today the corporation is engaged in "robust" discussions with the government about a reduction in the service's £272m Foreign Office grant.

Tags: international broadcasting, public opinion, united kingdom, bbc

Islam Analysis: Promoting scientific collaboration

Scientific cooperation between Islamic countries has a lacklustre record, marked by a shortage of resources and a lack of political will for investment. The few countries that have invested heavily in recent years — including Iran, Pakistan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia — have chosen to work instead with scientifically advanced countries in North–South collaborations that offer more obvious benefits than partnerships among themselves.

Tags: pakistan, public opinion, science diplomacy, islam, saudi arabia, climate change, agriculture

Iraqi Treasures Return, but Questions Remain

Iraq announced on Tuesday the return of hundreds of looted antiquities that had ended up in the United States...The latest trove reflects not only a history dating from the world’s oldest civilizations but also a more recent and tortured history of war, looting and international smuggling that began under Saddam Hussein, accelerated after the American occupation and continues at archaeological sites to this day.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, iraq

Rise of China prods India-South Korea ties

Indian Defense Minister A.K. Anthony was visiting South Korea last week at the invitation of his South Korean counterpart to boost defense cooperation between the two states. His visit comes two months after the Indian external affairs minister visited Seoul.

Tags: china, government pd, india, south korea


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