A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Soft Power: Taiwan’s Public Diplomacy II

Continuing my look at Taiwan’s public diplomacy, this week I talk to Professor Gary Rawnsley of the University of Leeds in the UK. Prof Rawnsley teaches courses on the media and democratisation in Asia.

Tags: taiwan

Creating A Nation-Brand Experience at Shanghai Expo

The national pavilions at the Expo are, in essence, a themed, branded environment, that aims to convey a positive and distinctive narrative about a country. So, how is the mundane space of a pavilion transformed into a stylized and, for some countries, a spectacular location that gives it meaning, identity and, above all, resonance with visitors?

Tags: us pavilion

Lady Gaga Can’t Match Kim in Twitter Account: William Pesek

Never did I think it would be Kim Jong Il who would get me to open a Twitter account. North Korea turned me around. Who can resist Dear Leader Kim’s propaganda arm churning out crazed statements in 140 characters?

Tags: social media, south korea, twitter, north korea, propaganda, kim jong il

Plans unveiled for bid to put World Expo 2020 at Moffett Field

While still barely a gleam in the governor's eye, plans to try to bring the World Expo 2020 to Silicon Valley inched forward Saturday, as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger formally announced his bid during a visit to the Shanghai World Expo and identified Moffett Field as the host site.

Tags: silicon valley, world expo

On the Nile, Egypt cuts water use as Ethiopia dams for power

It is in the delta, on some of the most fertile land in the world, that rice farmers have been ordered to plant fewer acres to conserve water as Ethiopia and other nations threaten to siphon away millions of gallons before the river reaches Egypt.

Tags: egypt, water diplomacy, water, ethiopia, nile river

Reflections on the anniversary of 9/11

The 9/11 anniversary is a traditional time for taking stock of the war on terror, and the conventional wisdom has issued its verdict: the United States "over-reacted."


Torching U.S. power

The ninth anniversary of September 11 is being overshadowed by the news of Pastor Terry Jones and his now-suspended plan to burn copies of the Koran at the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida. Even if the bonfire does not take place, the news of it is tragic for a number of reasons.

Tags: afghanistan, barack obama, ground zero mosque

Martin ends successful visit to Armenia

A Canadian parliamentary delegation led by MP Harold Albrecht, Conservative and chairman of Canada - Armenia Friendship Group, Rob Oliphant, Liberal, and Tony Martin, New Democratic Party, paid an official visit to the Republic of Armenia from September 6 to 10, 2010.

Tags: canada, armenia


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