
According to Markos Kounalakis, without a defined foreign policy, the United States' influence in Africa is likely to decline.
According to Chinese vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, the media has a crucial role to play in ensuring that people all over the world understand what Belt and Road initiative is all about. [...] The NPC official, just like the vice premier, however admitted that a lot needs to be done to get more people to understand what the concept stands for. In his opinion, the “project of the century” as is being referred to, seeks to only build a community of shared future and prosperity for all.
The United States will provide an additional $91 million in humanitarian aid for Ethiopia to cope with a third straight year of drought, the top U.S. official in charge of assistance said Thursday. The extra funding brings U.S. aid for food and medical care in Ethiopia to $454 million this year, said Mark Green, the new administrator of the United States Agency for International Development. Another $210 million in U.S. aid has gone to development projects.
Ethiopian Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries launched national livestock identification and traceability system with the financial and technical support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), through its Livestock Market Development activity. Fully implemented, the system will help to gather information regarding source/origin of the animal, type of husbandry, and management system in place resulting in quality products for consumers and increased incomes of farmers.
Many analysts and scholars have said that Addis Ababa is emerging as a major actor in the Sub-Regional, Continental, and even global scenes by mentioning material growth indicators such as economic growth, military advancement or demographic evolution. [...] Ethiopia's impeccable peacekeeping exploits can serve as an influence whilst enhancing the country's standing in the diplomatic table as a soft power.

Headlines explore government campaigns to increase their countries' soft power.
Former Ethiopian health minister Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been chosen as the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO). He was nominated by the government of Ethiopia and elected by the WHO member states to begin his five-year term as director-general on 1 July 2017. He succeeds Hong Kong’s Dr Margaret Chan, who has held the position since 2007. [...] His successes with these two organisations included securing increased funding to fight life-threatening diseases in Africa.
Ethiopian Tesfahun Tsehaye was one of the 15 university students who have participated in the recently held 16th edition of Chinese Proficiency Competition, dubbed Chinese Bridge, in Addis Ababa, capital of the Ethiopia. Winning the contest held at country-level with second highest score, the electrical engineering student highlighted the strong China-Africa relations, particularly with the ever-growing Chinese investment on the African continent.