A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A Second Great White Fleet

On August 31st, little noticed outside naval analyst circles, China’s first purpose-built hospital ship left port on her inaugural mission... Peace Ark’s deployment marks the start of a new phase of Chinese soft power: medical assistance to win hearts and minds.

Tags: china, united states, soft power, public opinion, humanitarian aid

U.S. ready to provide further humanitarian aid to N. Korea: rights envoy

The United States Wednesday said it is ready to provide further humanitarian aid to North Korea suffering from recent flooding, despite chilly relations over North Korea's nuclear ambitions and torpedoing of a South Korean warship.

Tags: united states, aid diplomacy, north korea, humanitarian aid

Google Appoints State Department Vet To Head “Google Ideas”

To head this division, the search engine titan has tapped a former State Department official “Jared Cohen” who is credited with assisting to bring social networking and other Web 2.0 tools to US diplomacy now heading to Google to form a new Think/do Tank called “Google Ideas”. Today that became official.

Tags: united states, new technology, us department of state, digital diplomacy, internet diplomacy

Iran and Japan plan to boost artistic relations

Japanese plenipotentiary in Iran Kazutoshi Aikawa and cultural attaché Yoko Takahashi visited the exhibit “A Manifestation of World Contemporary Art” currently underway at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art (TMCA) here on Wednesday.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, iran, japan, art diplomacy

Turkey can be a boon in Brussels

In the western Balkans and the Middle East, Turkey is already an important force and an influential actor with considerable “soft power”. It is important both politically and economically in Iraq, and in working with the EU to persuade Iran to meet international concerns on its nuclear programme.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, turkey, european union

New Generation of Muslim Youth Praised At State Department Iftar

"Our embassies now are sponsoring more events like Generation Change in order to listen to young people, and to help connect young people across the globe, to connect them with other change-makers," Clinton said. The young Muslim leaders who attended the iftar are making a difference at home and abroad.

Tags: us department of state, youth, muslim

Students Without Borders

As it now stands, this law remains harmful to the intellectual and cultural exchange between nations that is crucial to fostering growth, tolerance, and progress. It is particularly vital for those countries with significant cultural and political differences to learn about one another...

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, non-state actors, non-state pd, cultural exchange, youth, cultural understanding, study abroad

Parliament wants media to ‘better communicate’ EU

Better communication of EU affairs by public service broadcasters is key to bridging the gap between the European Union and its citizens, said the European Parliament yesterday (7 September), highlighting in particular the "huge potential" of social media to reach out to young people.

Tags: media, social media, new technology, twitter, european union, facebook, youth, internet diplomacy


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