A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Global news agencies uneasy over South Africa’s press freedom

The Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, and Agence France-Presse sent a letter to South African President Jacob Zuma to express concern about a proposed law that could limit press freedom in South Africa.

Tags: united states, media, non-state pd, south africa

The Japan Pavilion: A Tale Of Two Japans (Videoblog)

Nation Branding: Japan at Expo 2010 Shanghai.

Tags: china, nation branding, shanghai expo, japan

Top US commander: Burning Quran endangers troops

The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan warned Tuesday an American church's threat to burn copies of the Muslim holy book could endanger U.S. troops in the country and Americans worldwide.

Tags: united states, soft power, public opinion, faith diplomacy, afghanistan, islam

Soldiers meet the village elders

In the battle over winning the hearts of the Afghan people, one must get the support of village elders. A meeting with one is an important step. A meeting with a room filled with village elders from across Paktika Province is a giant leap toward diplomacy.

Tags: united states, soft power, government pd, afghanistan, military

Australia makes jackaroos of its refugees

Mohammed Karimi has come a long way to find himself at the gate of a cattle weighing station in Australia's outback...Karimi, along with six other refugees, are enrolled in a 12-week course at the Warwick campus of TAFE, a nation-wide tertiary educational institute. The students are the second batch to go through the new program, sponsored by Australia’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), which trains them for work in the agricultural industry.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, australia, education diplomacy, agriculture

Singapore prods locals to speak better English

...as Singapore cements its position as a financial services hub and top regional tourist destination, the government is redoubling efforts to persuade locals to speak standard English.

Tags: soft power, government pd, singapore, english, economic relations

Dealing with a changing world

In July 2010, the Ministry of External Affairs sent its first ‘tweet’ through its official Twitter account, thus pulling India into the age of digital diplomacy. Despite being an information technology powerhouse, India is a late entrant in using tools of e-diplomacy...it is an apt moment to reflect on changes affecting the country’s diplomatic representation abroad. The basic change relates to the backdrop of India’s rising stock in the world.

Tags: government pd, india, new technology, twitter, digital diplomacy

In Europe, science collides with the bottom line

Under mounting political pressure, some countries are now balking at the mega-price tags of lofty regional cooperation projects such as the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), home to the "Big Bang Machine" that sprawls for miles across this complex straddling the picturesque border of Switzerland and France.

Tags: science diplomacy, europe, european organization for nuclear research


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