A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Water security and climate change: how science can help

Policymakers need better information about the regional impact of climate change on water supplies, and on ways of adapting to it. For centuries, food production — and thus social development — has depended heavily on access to the water needed to grow crops or rear livestock.

Tags: public opinion, science diplomacy, non-state actors, water diplomacy, development, water, climate change

International cultural display in CWG

Commonwealth Games 2010 will not be about sports only, it would also have other elements to make it more vibrant and colourful. One such component that would add more colour to the mega-event will be Australia''s cultural representation at the Games.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, australia, sports diplomacy

Obama slipping, but not sliding, in Europe’s eyes

European approval remains high at 78 percent, but that’s down from 83 percent last year — a reflection, the report suggests, of discontent with Washington’s resolve to continue the fight in Afghanistan...

Tags: united states, public opinion, europe, barack obama, obama bounce, transatlantic relations

Can Russia Be Great?

In terms of soft power, communist ideology was attractive in post-World War II Europe, owing to its anti-fascist credentials. It was also popular in the Third World because of its identification with popular national-independence movements. Soviet propaganda actively fostered a myth of the inevitability of communism’s triumph.

Tags: soft power, public opinion, russia, joseph nye

The world of Wikileaks Part 2: A means of evaluating Public Diplomacy

From a Strategic Communications and Public Diplomacy perspective, evaluation has become increasingly important with forthcoming reports and even spending decisions, for example, in the UK.

Tags: public opinion, social media, non-state actors, new technology, non-state pd, wikileaks

The Thinker: Brand Indonesia

Now it’s time to shift our thoughts and talk about a rarely mentioned issue: our nation’s branding at the Shanghai World Expo 2010, a grand gathering for the world to boil down the essence of participating countries into a medley of striking pavilions.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nation branding, shanghai expo, indonesia, shanghai

Israel purchases @Israel Twitter handle from porn site owner

Countries as diverse as the United States and North Korea have all struggled at the nexus of statehood and social media. Until now, none have had to purchase the Twitter handle of their country's name from the owner of a porn site. That dubious honor goes to Israel, which recently purchased the user name @israel from Israel Meléndez, a Spanish man living in Miami, who registered the name back in 2007, early in the microblogging website's history.

Tags: media, government pd, israel, new technology, twitter

The Gastrodiplomacy Cookbook

One of the more delicious forms of public diplomacy has recently emerged in the global consciousness: gastrodiplomacy. Public diplomacy is a field predicated on the communication of culture and values to foreign publics; gastrodiplomacy, most plainly put, is the act of winning hearts and minds through stomachs. It is a public and cultural diplomacy endeavor that the governments of Korea and Taiwan have recently embarked on.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, taiwan, gastrodiplomacy


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