A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Demonstration of sincerity matters in public diplomacy

When I come across a statement about “winning the hearts and minds” of this or that group, I usually roll my eyes because the phrase is usually being tossed out without regard to underlying requirements or even reality.

Tags: soft power, propaganda

U.K.-Iran — triumph of ‘soft’ power diplomacy

In a refreshing break with the daily dose of gloomy headlines about the current state of British-Iranian relations, there was, at last, something to cheer about last week as the “soft” power of art and culture trumped hard-nosed diplomacy.

Tags: soft power, iran, united kingdom

Taiwan bands to tour Latin America

Taiwan bands Sizhukong and Matzka will perform in Latin America to promote the nation’s image abroad and celebrate the nation’s upcoming centennial, the Government Information Office said Sept. 17.

Tags: soft power, taiwan, latin america, pop music

Name ‘Sarkozy’ Popular Among Roma In Eastern Europe

Amid all the furor stirred by the French government’s decision to repatriate hundreds of Romanian and Bulgarian Roma, many would be surprised to learn that Sarkozy is a pretty popular name among the Roma communities in Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. No, not French President Nicolas Sarkozy, but the name Sarkozy -- or rather Sárközy.

Tags: public opinion, france, romania, hungary, roma, slovakia

German students express themselves with American hip-hop

Vocational students in Germany are given a rare chance to be in the spotlight through a partnership with an American dance organization that works with disadvantaged youth.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, germany, dance

Be more frugal, America, but realise what that will cost you

American scholar Michael Mandelbaum has sparked much debate thanks to a book he has just published titled The Frugal Superpower: America’s Global Leadership in a Cash-Strapped Era. Mr Mandelbaum’s argument...is that the United States, because of its debt obligations following from the 2008 financial crisis, but also because of its fiscal structure and major entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare, can no longer afford to play the international role it has for decades.

Tags: united states, public opinion, financial crisis

Know Thy Neighbour

The two giant neighbours [China and India], which are also partners in trade, need to understand each other to make the best of each other's needs and strengths.What better way than to introduce each other's language in their respective education systems. The proposal to institute an exchange programme of scholars between the two countries and cooperation among universities also has a similar logic to it.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, india, language, people-to-people, india-china ties

Panda politics: the cuddly face of Chinese diplomacy

The death of a giant panda in captivity in Japan has caused something of a diplomatic stink. Apart from eating bamboo, this is something that pandas are very good at.

Tags: china, government pd, public opinion, japan, panda diplomacy


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