A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Celebrating Mexico’s Music

This year, the University of Arizona School of Music lays the foundation for the College of Fine Arts' innovative Institute for Arts of the Americas, starting with a year-long exploration of the music of Latin America. A special emphasis will be given to music and musicians from Mexico as the country celebrates two important anniversaries – the bicentennial of its independence and the centennial of its revolution.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, mexico

Catholic Church backs Muslim struggle to build Milan’s first mosque

While New York frets over the construction of an Islamic cultural center and mosque near ground zero, Milan is pushing back against construction of its first mosque. Local Muslims have found an unlikely ally in the Catholic Church.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, faith diplomacy, islam, non-state pd, catholic church

Young Israelis and Palestinians in Paris to present their ‘peace plan’

On the occasion of the international Day of Peace, French Education Minister and government spokesman, Luc Chatel, will receive Tuesday in Paris a delegation of 22 young Israelis and Palestinians participating in the operation "Kids Creating Peace".

Tags: middle east, non-state pd

In French mountains, a sister city

Megeve, France, is a ski town at the base of Mont Blanc...Telluride, Colo., is a ski town at the base of the San Juan Mountains...this week, a long-standing effort between the comparable communities to become sister cities will take a big step forward. Three Telluriders are traveling to Megeve to act as representatives of Telluride in an international water conference.

Tags: united states, non-state pd, france, water, sister cities

New history for old lady Europe

The main danger for the EU today is not the fall in the euro exchange rate or the growing budget deficit of “problematic” member-states but the deepening internal split in the public opinion and the growing nationalist moods.

Tags: public opinion, europe, immigration

NATO Still Enjoys Considerable Public Support in Europe and the United States

NATO has come to understand how important a modern and responsive public diplomacy strategy is for the organization. They have grasped that NATO’s image, for good or for worse, rests in their own hands. Ultimately, however, a strong and positive brand can never be constructed through slogans and logos alone.

Tags: non-state pd, nato, image building

Cultural diplomacy best wins hearts, minds

Earlier this year at the National People's Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao stated in his government work report that China will attach more importance to cultural development to enhance the international influence of Chinese culture. This is just the latest confirmation that China recognizes that it has to enhance its global image by the exercise of soft power.

Tags: china, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion

Roma Expulsions Challenge Europe’s Benevolent Self-Image

It is arguably modern Europe's flagship ideal: the freedom to move across borders and seek a better life elsewhere. But in the Europe of Nicolas Sarkozy, Silvio Berlusconi, and others, the privilege has its limits -- and its paradoxes. Effectively excluded, it seems, is the one group singly most identified with a nomadic and peripatetic existence: the continent's 10 million-strong Romany population.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, europe, france, immigration, italy, roma


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