A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Church uproar a setback for Turkey-Armenia ties

Hundreds of Armenians gathered at the 10th-century Holy Cross Church near Van, a city close to Turkey's border with Iran, for the first religious service there since the mass killings of Armenians in 1915. The event, at a site considered sacred by many Armenians, was seen as a symbolic gesture by Turkey to mend relations with Armenia.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, turkey, armenia, church

Obama’s initiative on science diplomacy expands

In a broadening of the Obama administration’s initiative to establish ties with Muslim nations, three more prominent scientists have been appointed as "science envoys" to countries in central and southeast Asia and to Africa.

Tags: united states, science diplomacy, africa, south asia

Chinese, Pak, African authors at literature festival in Kerala

Chinese writer Lijian Zhang along with Pakistani writers Mohammed Haneef and Ali Sethi will be the prime attractions of the Kovalam Literature Festival early next month in Thiruvanthapuram.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, india, pakistan, africa, non-state actors, non-state pd, literature

Islamic Extremism and the War of Ideas

This slim volume by a Voice of America director during the early years of the Reagan administration (March 1982 - August 1982) says some reasonable things, but from a rather naïve point of view. It's about U.S. public diplomacy, the subject of dozens of reports since 9/11.

Tags: united states, middle east, public opinion, islam, john brown

Russian satellite channel has whiff of propaganda

With its slick graphics, smiling young news anchors, and round-the-clock coverage, RT is like any other news channel. But there is one major difference, aside from the content; RT, which stands for Russia Today, is paid for by the Kremlin.

Tags: united states, media, international broadcasting, public opinion, russia, propaganda

Lanka’s “brand image” - can it be improved?

Sri Lanka is one of many countries today that have developed a strong and active interest in its international image, and are beginning to try and understand whether it is possible to exercise some influence over it, rather than leave it to the mercy of international public opinion, ignorance, and the media.

Tags: nation branding, sri lanka, simon anholt

China needs cool minds in heated disputes

Seldom in the past decade, unlike today, has China been surrounded by all-around conflicts and disagreements with major powers and neighboring countries on issues such as currency, maritime rights and territorial disputes.

Tags: china, soft power

Bruneian Woman Attends Meeting Of Entrepreneurs In The US

A Bruneian woman was selected to take part in the entrepreneurship programme in the United States that aims to link participants from Muslim communities with leading US entrepreneurs through interactive forums and provide opportunities for firsthand observation of successful business operations.

Tags: united states, exchange diplomacy, brunei


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