A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

India still needs aid – as a tool to make its mark abroad

The global image of India as a poor country that receives large amounts of aid from rich nations is so well entrenched that it may come as a surprise to many, Indians among them, that the country is fast becoming a major donor.

Tags: nation branding, india, public opinion, aid diplomacy, image building

Is Clinton’s CGI the New U.N.?

The Clinton Global Initiative, now in its sixth year, will feature Nobel laureates, CEOs, presidents, and a trio of first ladies—making it seem like a 21st century initiative that could ultimately eclipse the older institution. CGI is fast building a track record that has some wondering if its leaner model may be the better way to address the multitude of problems facing the global community.

Tags: united states, public opinion, non-state actors, united nations, bill clinton

Oktoberfest: It’s not about the beer

As with most cultural festivals that go global, Oktoberfest has branded, packaged and exported Bavaria’s culture of drinking beer at long trestle tables, playing oompah music, eating pretzls and pork-knuckle, and wearing Lederhosen and Dirnln, the frilly women’s dresses.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, germany

SAARC film festival ends amidst empty seats

The festival, which was co-sponsored by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) along with the Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG), was marked by extremely poor attendance and below par organisation by the hosts.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, south asia, film diplomacy

Ignoring YouTube: Imam Feisal’s Flawed Approach to 21st Century “Media”

He blames the media for creating a "witch's brew" by shaping "political, socio-economic, religious, perceptions" in the Middle East. But perhaps most surprisingly, Imam Feisal goes so far as proposing that the media not report on suicide attacks, an argument that naïvely underestimates the power of new digital media outlets, like YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter.

Tags: media, social media, non-state actors, new technology, islam, non-state pd, new media, twitter, facebook, muslim, youtube

Islam’s Encounters With America

From his recent travels to the Persian Gulf—sponsored and paid for by the State Department—Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf returned with a none-too-subtle threat. His project, the Ground Zero Mosque, would have to go on. Its cancellation would risk putting "our soldiers, our troops, our embassies and citizens under attack in the Muslim world."

Tags: united states, public opinion, faith diplomacy, islam, muslim

U.S. radio takes on Taliban in Afghan propaganda war

A U.S.-funded radio station is hoping a small hand-cranked radio can help turn the tide in a propaganda war against the Taliban, handing out thousands of the devices in the hopes of winning over ordinary Afghans. The idea is to counter the Taliban-sponsored stations — the so called "Mullah Radios"...

Tags: united states, afghanistan, propaganda, radio, taliban, radio free europe/radio liberty

America The Invisible

The British Embassy recently announced the three month American tour of the Tricycle Theatre Company’s production of “The Great Game: Afghanistan” that began September 15 in Washington, DC.... The British government clearly thinks it worthwhile to attempt to influence American public opinion...

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, united kingdom


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