A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

American roadshow begins in Vadodara

The show, 'The America Days', will promote a better understanding of the culture, society, policies, values and institutions of the United States, said Angela L. Gemza of American Cultural Centre at US Consulate General Office in Mumbai.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, india

Brand Ghana holds summit to explore nation branding identity

The summit’s main theme was “Ghana in search of a competitive identity” and it was organized in a formal opening session and follow-up workshops with about 23 syndicate groups to explore branding-related areas in governance, business, investment and human development.

Tags: nation branding, ghana

The sound of red tape: musicians become victims of wars on terror and illegal immigration

Is music really an international language? If it is, then many western governments seem to be dead set on preventing its spread. While massive global mobility and migration are sending music trends worldwide like never before, musicians are finding that when it comes to touring, making international connections is becoming more, not less, difficult.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state actors, non-state pd, terrorism

War is Boring: In Congo, U.S. Soft Power Encounters Obstacle

The clinic, administered by military medical personnel from both countries, would be one of the culminating events of a two-week, U.S.-led exercise meant to improve the FARDC's medical capabilities -- all part of the "soft power" strategy advanced by U.S. Africa Command, based in Germany.

Tags: united states, soft power, public opinion, africa, africom, democratic republic of the congo

France Goes Head-to-Head with Arizona for “Toughest on Immigration” Title

Though the presence of Roma (more commonly known as “Gypsies”) is nothing new in Western Europe, French President Nicolas Sarkozy began an unprecedented immigration crackdown campaign on Roma in France this past summer. In July, Sarkozy announced plans to dismantle 300 illegal Roma camps in his country...

Tags: united states, public opinion, france, immigration

New Media Strain Government Tolerance In Syria

The queen of Syria's morning drive-time radio plays Western rock and Arabic favorites. Honey al-Sayed opens her show — a mix of Arabic and English — with the words, "Good morning, Syria" and offers horoscopes, daily currency exchange rates and banter with truck drivers who call in to pass on the latest jokes.

Tags: media, new media, syria, youth, radio

India Racing Ahead of China

China, though formally a Communist nation with a mixed market economy, has been able to achieve economic superiority compared with India which is trying to catch up by stressing its democratic politics, civil society and peaceful intentions. The approach most suitable to India’s character and ambitions is one of “soft power"...

Tags: china, soft power, india, public opinion

Pakistan’s ‘parachute politician’ main draw at film fest

Apart from a menu of 50 films from various South Asian countries, chairperson of the Pakistan Film Censor Board (PFCB) Nilofar Bakhtiar will be one of the main highlights of the South Asian Film Festival (SAFF) that begins in Goa Sep 17.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, south asia, film diplomacy


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