A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Diana Putman Honored With ‘Dissent’ Award

The State Department promotes itself as a place that likes to hear dissent. Each year, the department's professional union hands out awards to diplomats who do just that. This year's recipient was a woman serving alongside the U.S. military in AFRICOM.


China is building a bridge across the Danube

For those Europeans concerned with China's growing prowess, here is another reason to be alert. The Chinese are about to cross the Danube. Not with tanks or communist propaganda, but with cash and a charm offensive.

Tags: china, soft power, europe, european union

Sanctions on Iran—The Least Bad Option

In an ideal world, sanctions would be a diplomatic step to increase pressure that could be reinforced with the future threat of military force. Ultimately, if a country doesn’t cooperate and respond to sanctions, the international community can compel them to fall into line.

Tags: united states, public opinion, iran, sanctions

America’s Best Export

Today, as America looks for ways to engage the world -- and not compromise its core values in the process -- promoting our culture of volunteerism and service stands out as a promising avenue.

Tags: public opinion, non-state pd, us department of state, citizen diplomacy, volunteerism

Science, not Hollywood or Starbucks, is America’s best soft power

The U.S., admired worldwide for its leadership in technology, should pursue science diplomacy with Muslim-majority countries. Such a policy could complement efforts to promote human rights.

Tags: united states, soft power, middle east, public opinion, science diplomacy

Resources of Indonesian soft power diplomacy

As the foreign policies of regional powers are geared toward the formation of regional culture and values, which make up the template of Asian political architecture, the soft-power contest in Asia begins. What are we going to sell?

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, asia pacific, indonesia, asia

Obama Needs a New Mideas Policy (Pt. 2)

But when I arrived to Istanbul I was stunned more by how the media in the “West” continue to shape (or distort) our perception of the “East”. We are told to fear those in the “Islamic world”, as if such a thing exists.

Tags: united states, middle east, public opinion, israel, palestine

India needs to flex its soft muscles

The mere mention of India as a great power usually evokes chuckles from an Australian audience. Although loathe to admit it, New Delhi would do well to learn lessons from Beijing about the importance of selling its strengths and achievements to the world.

Tags: china, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, india


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