A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Spain Pavilion celebrates Children’s Day in China

Miguelín, the giant baby of Spain Pavilion, held a party today to celebrate Children’s Day with the youngest visitors in Expo. For the celebration, Miguelín is wearing a traditional Chinese ‘dudou’, the typical cloth used in China to cuddle the babies.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, shanghai expo, spain

Hard times in Greece prompt Albanians to return home

Albanians are by far the largest groups of foreign workers in Greece, estimated at 650,000 to 800,000, and have been among the first to feel the current turmoil. Since the onset of the global financial crisis, the woes of Albanian migrant workers in Greece and Italy, Western Europe and the United States have been reflected in the decline of their remittances, which sank to a five-year low last year.

Tags: greece, migration, financial crisis, albania

Flotillas and the Wars of Public Opinion

Where knowledge is limited, and the desire to learn the complex reality doesn't exist, public opinion can be shaped by whoever generates the most powerful symbols. And on a matter of only tangential interest, governments tend to follow their publics' wishes, however they originate. There is little to be gained for governments in resisting public opinion and much to be gained by giving in.

Tags: middle east, public opinion, israel, gaza aid

President encourages Vietnam-US cultural exchange

State President Nguyen Minh Triet has encouraged the William Joiner Centre under the US University of Massachusetts to introduce Vietnam’s culture and literature to the American public to strengthen bilateral friendship.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, vietnam

Afro-Flamenco flavour hits Gauteng Carnival

Spanish artists Afro-Flamenco will join South Africa's finest jazz musicians at the Pale Ya Rona Gauteng Carnival Music Concert. The Spanish Embassy has sponsored Afro-Flamenco's participation in this event, set to take place at Mofolo Park, where Raimundo Amador, Tomasito, Ranki and others will mix their flamenco and jazzy styles with the Soweto Spiritual Singers, violinist Tshepo Mngoma and guitarist Bheki Khoza.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, africa, spain, dance

A PR disaster for Israel

What should have been a quiet piece of policing now has the word ‘atrocity’ appended to it. The press may be being disingenuous, even craven, but the Israeli commanders were monumentally stupid for falling into such an obvious trap.

Tags: middle east, public opinion, israel

France vows to help Africa fight piracy, terrorism

France and Africa opened new venues for cooperation on Tuesday to reshape global diplomacy, boost trade, battle climate change and fight pirates. At a two-day summit in the Riviera city of Nice, France shifted its focus away from its traditional west African allies and engaged with the continent as a whole, reaching out to economic powerhouses South Africa and Nigeria.

Tags: government pd, africa, france

Is Iran Spreading Its Wings in Latin America?

In the last several years, at least since 2004, Iran has created a large network of installations of various kinds in Venezuela and in other countries in Latin America. It has engaged vigorously in activities covering such areas as diplomacy, commerce, finance, industry and energy. The total of the announced investments of Iran in Latin America exceeds $20 billion.

Tags: government pd, iran, latin america, venezuela


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