A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

State Department/USUN Report to the White House Council on Women and Girls

S/GWI and USUN’s approach to women’s issues stems from the fundamental principle, expressed during the 1995 Beijing UN World Conference, that women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights.

Tags: women, us mission to the un

Russia’s Muslims And Buddhists Want Public Holidays For Their Faiths Too

Now that the Russian Duma has approved the Day of the Baptism of Rus’ as a public holiday, leaders of Russia’s Islamic and Buddhist communities say they want their faiths to be recognized in the same way.

Tags: russia, russian orthodox christians

Soft power makes Taiwan great: Ma

President Ma Ying-jeou says Taiwan's soft power makes it a great place. Ma said love, kindness and tolerance are core values for Taiwan, which is an immigrant society. He also said he is proud that Taiwan has developed a Chinese culture with distinct local flavor.

Tags: taiwan, taiwan-chinese culture

Dealing with Pakistan

Nine years after the 9/11 attacks, the United States is still trying to figure out how to manage relations with Pakistan — and what mix of inducements and public and private pressures will persuade Islamabad to fully commit to the fight against extremists.

Tags: pakistan

Clinton Criticizes Brazil’s Iran Diplomacy

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday the United States has serious disagreements with Brazil over its efforts to mediate with Iran over its nuclear program. But Clinton stressed the United States desire for good relations with the emerging South American power.

Tags: united states, iran, brazil, sanctions

Mexico ‘cannot wait’ to follow U.S. lead on climate change: President

Prime Minister Harper has said Canada will wait to see what policies the U.S. adopts to regulate major emitters of greenhouse gases, because the two countries’ economies are so closely integrated. But Felipe Calderon, who leads the United States’ other border nation and trade-bloc partner, expressed exasperation at waiting for rich countries to step forward.

Tags: united states, government pd, canada, mexico, environmentalism

US Armenians criticize Obama nominee for Azerbaijan post

Angered by official plans to nominate Matthew Bryza as the new ambassador to Azerbaijan, the largest U.S. Armenian group has called on U.S. senators to "scrutinize Bryza's diplomatic record" before voting on his nomination.

Tags: government pd, turkey, armenia

Turkmen president meets visiting Chinese DM on ties, cooperation

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov met in Ashgabat Wednesday with visiting Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie on bilateral ties and cooperation in various fields. Berdymukhamedov spoke highly of his country's relations with China, which he described as a sincere friend and trustworthy partner.

Tags: china, government pd, turkmenistan


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