
Eriks Varpahovskis provides an overview of the diverse range of Korean educational institutions and programs throughout Central Asia.

Anna Velikaya discusses how Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan can present a new face to the world.
Overtly member states of the Heart of Asia Conference emphasized upon regional peace and stability, especially in Afghanistan, but, covertly US-led secret diplomacy prevailed over the moot. It was owing to such a strategy and American influence that the member delegates appreciated India’s constructive role in supporting Afghanistan and its people for the past decade and half.
The U.S. Department of State plans to send circus experts, acrobats or clowns to schools in Turkmenistan as part of a cultural exchange program. [...] “Through this program, Turkmen students and faculty of the Circus Arts Department will have a chance to work and learn from American professionals in a series of master-classes,” the grant summary says.
How do the Central Asian republics perceive Turkey? Do they view it as a trading partner or an economic rival, politically conservative or liberal, an Islamic state or secular regime, a close Asian neighbor or a distant Western satellite? Each of the Central Asian republics [...] shares many common trends and developments alongside distinctive political, economic and social characteristics that affect the development of the relationships with Turkey discussed in this article.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday termed terrorism and climate change as the biggest problems faced by the world saying the solutions to these can be found in Mahatma Gandhi's life and ideals. [...] Modi also expressed hope that people of Turkmenistan will learn about the ideals and life of Mahatma Gandhi.
Turkey and the Central Asia's Turkic countries should boost cooperation to revive the "Silk Road," which was once the most influential trading route in the world, Turkmenistan's President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said Tuesday. "Rebuilding the Silk Road which was used by our ancestors would be significant not only for Turkmenistan and Turkey, but also for the whole world," Berdimuhamedov told a joint press conference with Turkey's Parliament Speaker Cemil Cicek in Ankara. Stressing the importance of natural gas which flows through all Turkic republics, the Turkmen president said the transpo
urkmenistan’s recent economic gains have not translated into equitable benefits to the population. Despite Turkmenistan’s vast oil and gas wealth, poverty persists. According to the United Nations Development Program’s human development indicators, Turkmenistan has the lowest life expectancy at birth in the region, at 65, and this rate has remained stagnant since 2006. Turkmenistan also has the second highest mortality rate under age 5 in the region, at 45 per 1,000 live births.