A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Australia turns to Unlimited appeal for brand

Australia Unlimited is to emerge as the nation's de facto country brand after a panel of bureaucrats and marketers chose it ahead of two other ideas. The federal government's trade export arm, Austrade, plans to use the line accompanied by a logo to market Australia Inc to the rest of the world.


Kaiwo-Maru in San Francisco

The tall ship is here to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Kanrin Maru which arrived in San Francisco on March of 1860 carrying the Shogun's Embassy to America which is noted as the first cross cultural exchange between the United States and the Empire of Japan.


Diplomacy at Expo needs careful thought

First, public diplomacy. The 2010 World Expo will last for six months, and this is a perfect chance for China to promote its public diplomacy. The Expo venues and technology are not enough, and we must also display our soft power to underline the spirit of Chinese culture. So it is necessary to plan for a six-month campaign of public diplomacy.


Red China, Green China

True, China has a long way to go before it can claim the mantle of global market leadership in clean technology. Unlike the United States, however, it has spent the last few years shaping its industrial policy to achieve precisely that goal.


Ahmadinejad steals ‘smart power’ torch

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad seems to only gain in strength with the growing intensity of North American and European attacks against him. Such is the global community's slide into competing camps, his championing of the nuclear "have-nots'' - the bulk of the world's population - gives him the demeanor of a peace activist who speaks the language of disarmament.


Working on US Image

The recent spin on US withdrawal from the Kornegal Valley in Afghanistan indicates a floundering in the American propaganda machine, stepping away from the previous tradition of creating propaganda to unifiy the nation according to Scott Taylor for The Chronicle Herald.


Social Media: The Public Diplomacy du Jour

President Obama’s innovative use of social media to reach out to previously unengaged populations around the world has proved very popular. However, many fail to acknowledge that the trend actually began in the last months of the Bush administration, writes Peter A. Buxbaum at the International Relations and Security Network.


Health diplomacy’s soft power

In their paper “Health diplomacy and the enduring relevance of foreign policy interests”, Harley Feldbaum and Joshua Michaud argue that there is a growing perception that health can be “an effective soft power tool for foreign policy in contrast to the hard power of military force”.



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