A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Biden speech could set the record straight on EU-US relations, say legislators

In what the White House has billed a major address, US Vice President Biden will speak at the European Parliament on Thursday. Members of parliament hope that he will reaffirm US-EU ties - and patch up a few things.

Tags: united states, european union, transatlantic relations

Inspired by Lata, Farida Khanum forges India-Pakistan bonds

For two hours, the packed theatre bridged the divide between India and Pakistan - torn by mutual distrust - with the strains of legendary ghazal singer Farida Khanum's mellifluous renditions of Urdu and Hindi nazams.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, pakistan, non-state pd

Netanyahu names Arabic-language spokesman

The Prime Minister's Office has named Ofir Gendelman as Arabic-language spokesman for public diplomacy. Gendelman will make Israel's case in the media to Arabic speaking communities.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, israel, arabic

An Economic Spark for Saarc

In his opening address to the conference last week, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said "regional cooperation should enable freer movement of people, of goods, of services and of ideas," adding, "it should help us rediscover our shared heritage and build our common future."

Tags: india

Hugo Chavez vs. the Online Media Environment

In the last decade Venezuela has seen impressive growth in access to online and mobile technologies, in part due to the Chavez administration's efforts: 31 percent now have access to the internet (compared to 5.8% 11 years ago) and roughly 80 percent own a mobile phone.


A Turkish Tale of Two Summits

While Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended Obama's summit, Ankara chose to hedge its bets, sending Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to Tehran a week later to express opposition to a new round of sanctions to deal with Iran’s nuclear program.


Oh, great—and he Tweets, too

[Chavez] was not satisfied with his interminable Sunday TV addresses on Hello, president, his fiery harangues or his verbal duels with the presidents of neighboring nations. In his expansionist frenzy, the Venezuelan leader had to take over the social networks, because his rampant narcissism keeps him from leaving us in peace.


Another human-rights irony at the U.N.

Despite its title, this is a committee whose past members -- Syria, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe among them -- have not been renowned for their adherence to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. On the contrary, authoritarian regimes have long battled to join the council and its predecessor organizations, the better to prevent any outsiders from investigating their own governments.



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