A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

World Expo 2010 Shanghai: We’re Here

Remember World's Fairs? Those dazzling displays of self-cleaning kitchens, rocket cars and robotic servants--the futures we'd all be living in around, well, now? Whose effervescence and ability to captivate seemed to have fizzled into nothingness long ago? Well, they're back--having never technically gone anywhere.


Argentina at the Smithsonian, 2010

Beyond the characteristics that seem to point at the program’s success, the reason why “Argentina at the Smithsonian 2010” is particularly interesting is that it features elements of traditional Argentine culture alongside more recently developed cultural expressions and trends. In this sense, music shows are not limited to the well-known tango genre, but they also extend to Argentine rock.


Shanghai 2010 - a first for the EU

It's the first time the EU has been represented at a world fair outside Europe: for 6 months (starting 1 May), the bloc will have its own pavilion in Shanghai - at the specific invitation of China, its second biggest trade partner.

Tags: china, shanghai expo, european union, culture, trade diplomacy

A California artist works to bring health care and education to nomads of Niger

Supplying education and health care to nomads in northern Niger is no easy task. But it is essential to a strategy hatched by Leslie Clark, a California artist and founder of the Nomad Foundation, which helps nomads hang onto their lifestyle in the world's poorest country.

Tags: united states, niger

Students of Carnegie Mellon to visit Vietnam

A group of 18 students from the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Qatar, representing 12 nationalities will undertake a 12-day tour of Vietnam starting tomorrow... The university official said there were misconceptions about the Middle East in some parts of the world and he hoped the tour would help clear some of them.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, middle east, vietnam, people-to-people

In Asia, the US should look beyond China and India

There are 10 other countries in particular that hold the key to America's central role in all of Asia. Engaging with them is a must for US prosperity and national security.

Tags: united states, public opinion, asean

North Korea’s Kim ‘visits China’

Mr. Kim habitually travels by train and his visits are generally not confirmed until he has returned to North Korea. He is not believed to have been abroad since a 2006 visit to China. China is North Korea's main trading partner and the country perceived to have the most influence on the communist state.

Tags: china, north korea

Outside U.S., a positive image for ‘Obamaland’

Currently only about 30 per cent of Americans have passports, meaning few get to see what foreign policy decisions mean for everyday people worldwide. But, these street-level foreign relations ultimately mean just as much to easing tensions as boardroom dealings between politicians.

Tags: public opinion, people-to-people


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