A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Turning to France’s Soft Power

As part of the plan, DCI seeks to "create French influence" through academic and training courses, Rotrubin said. Instilling an appreciation of the language and culture, the company's leaders believe, will confer a competitive advantage for French products, and DCI hopes graduates might later draw up specifications that reflect the French training.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, france

Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America

China wants to teach the world its language and culture, and Ms. Zheng is one of about 325 guest teachers who have volunteered to work for up to three years in American schools, with their salaries subsidized by the Chinese government. A parallel effort has sent about 2,000 American school administrators to visit China at Beijing’s expense.

Tags: china, united states, Cultural Diplomacy

A Report on the AUD-USC Exchange

In late March, twelve students from the Masters in Public Diplomacy (MPD) program at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism participated in a weeklong conference in Dubai as part of a student exchange with the American University in Dubai's (AUD) Mohammed Bin Rashid School for Communication (MBRSC).

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, dubai

Russia is a testing ground for U.S. public diplomacy

So, is this finally the new Russia, reaching out without the defensiveness that has so long characterized its attitude toward the rest of world? Particularly with regard to the United States, the answer is "No."

Tags: united states, public opinion, russia

A ground rule for Mideast talks

All three parties to these talks have a profound interest in a conflict-ending, two-state peace agreement. To have a realistic hope of reaching that goal, however, Israelis and Palestinians must adhere to one ground rule: Neither side can allow provocations from any quarter to abort the negotiations.

Tags: united states, middle east, israel, palestine

CARICOM in enhanced diplomatic relations with Brazil

Among the Summit's outputs were: the Declaration of Brasilia and more than 40 bilateral agreements addressing areas of collaboration including health, education, culture, agricultural development, energy, tourism and civil defense.

Tags: brazil, caribbean

China: Not Yet a Superpower

No matter where in the world you live or what sector you are involved in, you have to take into account China's rise. China continues to invest and buy things abroad in its drive to secure access to natural resources in places like Afghanistan and Australia and to exert power.

Tags: china, soft power, public opinion

Istanbul becomes hub of Mideast diplomacy

President Abdullah Gül and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had talks this weekend with a number of top leaders from Turkey's Middle Eastern neighbors, including Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Tags: middle east, turkey


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